The saga of a rescued plant..... advice welcome


Active Member
Longtime lurker, I finally registered the other day, this site has provided me with such valuable info, but I think I finally need some direction.

Heres the story, my brother recently rescued a Green Spirit clone from a buddy of his. The buddy acquired it from a local grower who was phasing out his Green Spirit strain for something new. He gave my brothers buddy a clone that he threw in the window sill with some other domestic plants and it sat there for about a week.

My brother convinced his buddy to let him take the plant to me so that it could start to be grown in a real environment.

That is where the fun started. Since I had never really worked with anything but clones that have already been grown start to finish in an indoor environment I really was not sure where to start. The plant was small but already showing signs of flowering quite prematurely. She was also already rooting out of the little cup she was in and it was obvious she was already in bad need of a transplant.

I think I did all of that a bit too rapidly and the plant went into shock for quite sometime, but after about a week she is showing sure signs of recovery and the dreded herme does not seem to be happening.

I am wondering, how long should I wait to clone her? She has a branch that is a perfect clone candidate, but I have not cloned her yet in fear that she might go back into shock.

I have attached a couple of pictures, but for some reason the pics make the leaves look very yellow, but thats not really the case, she is a nice green. She has some droopy leaves still but I suspect they will just end up dying when she cuts them off completely, the fresh leaves and branches she has grown since coming out of shock are pretty strong and seem to be comming out just fine.

Any advice is very welcome.


Well-Known Member
I'd let her recover a bit more. By looking at the droopy curlin leafs she still needs some time. I use super thrive on me sick plants and that really seems to help them when they need tender loving care.