The rowdy bunch of girls - getting ready to flip to 12/12


Active Member
Nice--- everyone i see lately is doing the CFL , is that for $$$ purposes or does the CFL do better than my MH, HPS.
I didnt think so but am open to something if its better and less $$$ on my bill


Well-Known Member
Nice--- everyone i see lately is doing the CFL , is that for $$$ purposes or does the CFL do better than my MH, HPS.
I didnt think so but am open to something if its better and less $$$ on my bill
no cfls are just the cheapo route they work with almost any situation if your trying to do a pc stealth or a warehouse grow isn't the most practical in that situation but still viable

if you see a awesome grow with cfls just imagine how good that harvest would be with hids or leds


Well-Known Member
Also the CFLs don't generates as much heat and allows you to get the lights closer to the plants.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Nicely vegged plants there, hope you keep the thread going as it will be interesting to see. What strains you got going there ?


Well-Known Member
Also the CFLs don't generates as much heat and allows you to get the lights closer to the plants.
it really depends man some cfls get hot i have these 250watters those jokers get hot! i have a 150w hps mini with a built in ballast that doesn't even come close to as hot as those cfls get

if i had to put a number on it lights in order from worst to best

pl tek


Well-Known Member
it really depends man some cfls get hot i have these 250watters those jokers get hot! i have a 150w hps mini with a built in ballast that doesn't even come close to as hot as those cfls get

if i had to put a number on it lights in order from worst to best

pl tek
my (2) 4 tube ho 54 watt t5 fixtures seem to do a great job lighting up my grow area without creating a lot of heat. Since I switched my girls over to them they seem to still be growing well. But I'm still new to the art, and I'm gradually upgrading space and equipment. I'm still trying to get thru my first flowering cycle with my bubba kushes which I'm doing with CFLs, next flower will take place with the t5s, I will see how that goes and will be able to compare between the two light sources.

I have started my third grow With fifteen clones. 5 skywalker og, 2 each of blue dream, chemdawg 4, LSD, Jack the Ripper and sharksbreath. Maybe I will try a different light source for this batch. For me it's about learning and making adjustments based on the new knowledge. Stay tuned. Peace!


Well-Known Member
I thought that LEDs were relatively new to grow arena, you are rating them the best. Maybe it is just me who's relatively new. Lol. What are the drawbacks to each light to get your rating?


Well-Known Member
I thought that LEDs were relatively new to grow arena, you are rating them the best. Maybe it is just me who's relatively new. Lol. What are the drawbacks to each light to get your rating?
with lighting quality almost speaks for itself with watt to lumen ratio.
with every light source the higher the watts being used the hotter they run with the exception of leds which is why they like are the best. t5s and cfls are kind of tied i prefer cfls which is why i placed them above t5s i actually really like t5s so dont get me wrong but if your trying to jam 500 watts into a small area thats not really doable with fluros.

t12s and t8s give only about 1-2k lumens per bulb only really good for clones and mothers

cfls and t5s give about 60 lumens per watt

now the low pressure sodium is a extremely controversial topic so im not going to get too into it now thats just playing with fire
but basicly lps has a if not the highest watt per lumen ratio but also lps lamps use a vacuum glass envelope that is coated with a layer of indium tin oxide, a material used to reflect and stop infrared rays. The light is allowed to go through this coated glass, but infrared's are stopped by the indium, so almost no amount of heat comes from a LPS lamp but have a really low output so you would need a few of them but they are very expensive so its more reasonable to just get a hps with a cooltube

mh i believe is around 80
hps around 120

not sure about leds but other then they're quiet cool and cheap to run no matter what the wattage, and i feel that horticulture has just begun to skim the surface into leds its "the garden of the future".

what you said earlier about upgrading a little at a time take it from me i have so much unused crap laying around i bought it used it for 1 grow and upgraded over the years iv gotten quite the stockpile go out and buy what you need now i just bought a nice little mini 150w hps from htgsupply 68 bucks you wouldn't believe how cool it runs i have 250w cfls that run hotter

i actually got it from their ebay auction thier site screws you for shipping if your only buying one thing

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Nice product Spex that Floralux growlight you provided the link for, trying to see if it comes in a 240V option for UK use, but if they sold a plug in version compatible over here I'd buy one, interesting stuff guys.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Spex420! I have 2 lithonia lighting T5 48in HO 4 bulb bays and I'm using Phillips 54 watt HO bulbs. They are suppose to produce 5000k each.
Info says the HO bulbs produce 92.6 lumens per watt. Each bay is 216 watts x 92.6. So the area has 432 watts x 92.6 = 40,000 lumens. I also have added CFLs to be able to angle and direct some light. Add these CFLs to the equations mean even more lumens.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Spex420! I have 2 lithonia lighting T5 48in HO 4 bulb bays and I'm using Phillips 54 watt HO bulbs. They are suppose to produce 5000k each.
Info says the HO bulbs produce 92.6 lumens per watt. Each bay is 216 watts x 92.6. So the area has 432 watts x 92.6 = 40,000 lumens. I also have added CFLs to be able to angle and direct some light. Add these CFLs to the equations mean even more lumens.
typically retailers tend to deal with round numbers its rated for 5k realistically your only getting about 3 after about the first 100 hours they start to degrade that and all the other factors that come into play foliage proximity bla bla bla fluros only have about 8 inches max of light penetration if you have a 2ft tall plant and you keep the lights say 4 to 6 inches above them only the top 2-4 inches is getting effected by light

a 250w mh produces about 20k something iv jammed 950w exactly of cfls and t5s in a grow over 3 plants thats 50k lumens give or take its just not there.. my 150w hps i just bought rated at 17k lumens supplemented by a few cfls seems to be more effective than all those fluros

in conclusion cfls and fluros are capable of producing some good weed imho in my experience, but if you want great weed the best hids are the way to go!


Well-Known Member
Nice product Spex that Floralux growlight you provided the link for, trying to see if it comes in a 240V option for UK use, but if they sold a plug in version compatible over here I'd buy one, interesting stuff guys.
yea i actually picked it up on a wim they've been going for about 80+shipping i happened to find a auction i think i ended up spending 62 48+shipping and i couldn't pass up the deal it runs soo cool you wouldn't believe me if i told you these compact mini lights is where its at 400s and 600s tend to be a pita all the heat they put out +a cooltube + a decent inline fan you could be looking at 400 bucks once its all said and done but i think these minis are the way to go

i plan on buying one of these
has a switch you can run mh or hps all in one like a digi but half the price :hump:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Prosperian for stopping by. The girls didn't miss a step, no signs of stress. I have to raise my lights today, the plants have grown to the lights. I try and keep the lights a couple inches above . So I take having to raise the lights as a good sign.

I have a couple of questions on my bubba. The leaves at the top of the main cola started dying, it is weird because it was only the very top leaves, all the other leaves are still green and healthy. I went ahead and clipped off the brown part of the leaves and raised my lights. Now it looks like the areas around the pistils are swollen. Not sure what's going on, thought maybe it was a light leak and turned them to hermies. I read that the swelling is normal. Haven't had much feedback. If you get a change take a look at my bubba s, they are at day 39 after the flip to 12/12.



Well-Known Member
Hey the repotting went well, just very time consuming, Repotted 10 girls to HD 5 gallon buckets. There are growing strong. I have to raise the lights today plants are getting to close. I need to build a structure around the area and add the 2nd T5 and more CFLs. I got 20 more repots to do. I got 5 more to move to buckets and 15 will be moved to #2 and #3 pots before they go to the buckets.


Thanks for dropping by.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple of questions on my bubba. The leaves at the top of the main cola started dying, it is weird because it was only the very top leaves, all the other leaves are still green and healthy.
Where are the pics of the bubba? Have any pics of the dead leaves? I have a Cannibis Care Manual I use for identifying plant issues. I scanned through it but didn't see anything on cola specific except fungus related. Do you have enough air flow at the top of the canopy? You might have Nitrogen deficiency by now depending on how you are feeding the plant. What's your feed schedule?

Now it looks like the areas around the pistils are swollen... they are at day 39 after the flip to 12/12.
Swelling would be expected. What's the breeder's photoperiod for the bubba (how many days of flowering to mature).


Well-Known Member
Where are the pics of the bubba? Have any pics of the dead leaves? I have a Cannibis Care Manual I use for identifying plant issues. I scanned through it but didn't see anything on cola specific except fungus related. Do you have enough air flow at the top of the canopy? You might have Nitrogen deficiency by now depending on how you are feeding the plant. What's your feed schedule?

Here's the link.

I'm feeding Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. Feed about once a week. Feed let it dry then water with Ph'd water let it dry then feed nutes again.
Not sure why it;s isolated to the cola's top leaves. I have two fans working air flow, I let my fans run during lights out also. It is just the top set of leaves no ther leaves on the cola is affected.

Swelling would be expected. What's the breeder's photoperiod for the bubba (how many days of flowering to mature).
Here's the link.

I'm feeding Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. Feed about once a week. Feed let it dry then water with Ph'd water let it dry then feed nutes again.
Not sure why it;s isolated to the cola's top leaves. I have two fans working air flow, I let my fans run during lights out also. It is just the top set of leaves no ther leaves on the cola is affected.

7-9 weeks and they are at day 40 since the flip. Thanks for your help.