The religion of statism.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member

I'm still contemplating this idea. ATM, I feel like this is as much of a pie-in-the-sky, Utopian, wet dream as the socialists have. BUT, with that said, I believe that it is a more reasonable and altruistic goal for society to strive for.
At the very least, we should try the system that our founding fathers established, before we abandon it for the failed ideologies of socialism. Minimum federal authority, a bit more state authority, a little more county authority and the most authority to the smallest minority, the individual.


Well-Known Member
Karl Marx had the same end game. Just sayin......

Put me in the camp of believing the hierarchy of power should begin in my home first, my community, my city, my county, my state, my country. Not the other way around before my initial comment confuses anyone. Universal or central laws should be self-evident to most. Things like the affordable care act and the patriot act should never even be conceived let alone implemented.