The real truth behind the legalization of marijuana? or just an elaborate tirade?


Well-Known Member
the only reason hemp isnt legalized for production of things in our country: the government does not have the resources or manpower to go trudging through hemp fields in search of high thc marijuana plants. this would take ALOT of time and money considering that people would have to grow fields of thousands maybe tens or hundreds of thousands of plants in order to sustain a demand for hemp based products. marijuana and hemp plants are basically the same just different sub species, they look identical. this means the only way for police to find marijuana in a hemp field would be to test the thc% of all the plants in said field... AKA not gonna happen.

Why would there be "high thc" marijuana plants in a hemp field?

No grower with half a brain would plant their crop ANYWHERE NEAR a field of industrial hemp. The hemp would pollinate them and the whole crop would be ruined.

As for cotton vs. hemp, cotton is not a better fabric than hemp. It isn't even easier to grow, and requires a lot more pesticides and chemical fertilizers than hemp. Not to mention the process of turning the cotton into usable fabric.

Hemp = environmentally friendly

Cotton= NOT

As for plastics, you can make them from hemp. Henry Ford built a plastic car out of hemp that was nearly impossible to put a dent in.

Hemp as fuel isn't about being more efficient than other fuels, it's about being RENEWABLE. Fossil fuels aren't renewable, and hemp is just about the easiest plant to grow. It grows like a weed, literally.

Most of the stuff in that writing is spot-on, except for the part about cannabis being an "alien" plant and other plants not having "male" and "female".

that's simply not true. There are plenty of plants that reproduce sexually, and whose males appear different than females.