The Real Obama

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
And I see the environmental aspects too, of course. A 7-mile sheet of ice just cracked off of Canada today. I don't really want to see us turn this planet into Venus, even if I won't be around when it happens. Not even if doing so means cheaper gas. Global warming seems to be accelerating and it's making me a bit uneasy. Burning more oil just doesn't seem like the best idea to me.
Which is why we legalize Hemp! Just imagine how positive it would be. You would have acres and acres of a plant that will suck up a shit ton of Co2 and produce more oxygen making our earth better!

Again, domestic refinery capacity effects gas prices in the U.S., but has no impact on world-wide oil prices. Increasing demand from China and India puts upward pressure on oil prices. Rampant speculation fuels the demand.

World-wide drilling capacity is in the hands of those countries who hold the oil. It's in their best interest to keep prices high. Drill less and the price of oil stays high. Drill more and oil prices decline. Supply and demand.
The whole problem is the fact that the world-wide oil prices shouldn't fuckin effect us! We have te ability to produce enough oil for what we need, along with alternative fuel movements, we wouldn't have to depend on other countries for our power.......but will we do that? No....that wouldn't make congressman money.
Drill in the areas we have maybe make refineries more efficient and plant a bunch of pot. Problem solved if people weren't so self centered and greedy.



Well-Known Member
Which is why we legalize Hemp! Just imagine how positive it would be. You would have acres and acres of a plant that will suck up a shit ton of Co2 and produce more oxygen making our earth better!

The whole problem is the fact that the world-wide oil prices shouldn't fuckin effect us! We have te ability to produce enough oil for what we need, along with alternative fuel movements, we wouldn't have to depend on other countries for our power.......but will we do that? No....that wouldn't make congressman money.
Drill in the areas we have maybe make refineries more efficient and plant a bunch of pot. Problem solved if people weren't so self centered and greedy.

I could not agree more. We need a comprehensive approach to address this crisis. And it is the most serious crisis we've faced since 9-11.

Nuclear. Hemp bio-diesel. Coal gassification. Oil shale extraction. Domestic drilling. More refinery capacity. Solar. Biomass. Even using the tides to generate electricity. Everything should be on the table.

Ethanol is a waste of time. Industrial agriculture benefits, but it competes with food. Plus, with ethanol, moisture cannot be completely distilled out. It ruins engines eventually.

Wind power is great on the small scale, but the big projects are subject to frequent interruptions due to down time. A maintenance nightmare. Plus, they kill birds.


New Member
The whole problem is the fact that the world-wide oil prices shouldn't fuckin effect us! We have te ability to produce enough oil for what we need, along with alternative fuel movements, we wouldn't have to depend on other countries for our power.......but will we do that? No....that wouldn't make congressman money.

Why does Maine buy their orange juice from Florida and California, and not grow their own? (Obvious, no?) For that matter, why do Florida and California sell THEIR orange juice to Maine?......Lobsters you (I'll be nice), lobsters......

If we exit the worldwide oil market, other worldwide commodities will incur higher import tariffs. Shifting costs is the work of markets always reach equilibrium. Disgruntling your trading partners is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.....lunacy.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
The whole problem is the fact that the world-wide oil prices shouldn't fuckin effect us! We have te ability to produce enough oil for what we need, along with alternative fuel movements, we wouldn't have to depend on other countries for our power.......but will we do that? No....that wouldn't make congressman money.

Why does Maine buy their orange juice from Florida and California, and not grow their own? (Obvious, no?) For that matter, why do Florida and California sell THEIR orange juice to Maine?......Lobsters you (I'll be nice), lobsters......

If we exit the worldwide oil market, other worldwide commodities will incur higher import tariffs. Shifting costs is the work of markets always reach equilibrium. Disgruntling your trading partners is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.....lunacy.
Well if you depend on the oil of others and you use as much as the U.S., well, you take that away then the demand falls surplus rises and price falls as well. So just by stepping up our own oil production or even trading with Canada, Venezuela and Mexico we could also take the power out of the middle east.......oh wait thats where government folks have money invested......damn that throws a wrench in the plan



New Member
Well if you depend on the oil of others and you use as much as the U.S., well, you take that away then the demand falls surplus rises and price falls as well. So just by stepping up our own oil production or even trading with Canada, Venezuela and Mexico we could also take the power out of the middle east.......oh wait thats where government folks have money invested......damn that throws a wrench in the plan

Yeah, your right.....who likes orange juice and lobster anyway.


Well-Known Member
I watched the video.

Federal Reserve Bank. Gold Standard. No law on the books. The Federal income tax is the enslavement of the entire country.

Blah, blah, blah....

The oppressive music, and clever visuals, suggest the elements, of an Alex Jones moonbat mockumentary. Alex Jones is an entertainer making a fortune producing propaganda for the 'Truthers.'
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New Member
So just by stepping up our own oil production or even trading with Canada,

Are you talking about the same Canada who is currently the #1 exporter of oil to the US?


New Member
"Canada imports 58 percent of the oil we (Canadians) consume. By region, about 40 percent of the oil used in Ontario is imported, while about 90 percent of the oil used in Quebec and the Atlantic provinces is imported. Approximately 25 percent of this oil comes from the unstable regions of the Middle East or North Africa. Yet Canada's oil exports to the United States are steadily growing. In 2004, 70 percent of Canada's [extracted oil] went to the United States. In 1998 the figure was 60 percent. In 1990 the figure was 50 percent."

Canadian oil exports and imports |

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
That was just the first one i found. There are countless. Including numerous ex-irs officials that were sent to jail tried and not convicted of income tax evasion. Little research and you'd be surprised what you'd find



New Member
Which is why we legalize Hemp! Just imagine how positive it would be. You would have acres and acres of a plant that will suck up a shit ton of Co2 and produce more oxygen making our earth better!

The whole problem is the fact that the world-wide oil prices shouldn't fuckin effect us! We have te ability to produce enough oil for what we need, along with alternative fuel movements, we wouldn't have to depend on other countries for our power.......but will we do that? No....that wouldn't make congressman money.
Drill in the areas we have maybe make refineries more efficient and plant a bunch of pot. Problem solved if people weren't so self centered and greedy.

we are capitalist bro...when we get that oil out of the ground it's our right to sell it to the highest bidder...china or India....


Well-Known Member
That was just the first one i found. There are countless. Including numerous ex-irs officials that were sent to jail tried and not convicted of income tax evasion. Little research and you'd be surprised what you'd find

Make an assertion and suggest I do the research. :rolleyes:

That's funny. :-)

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member


New Member
Well if you depend on the oil of others and you use as much as the U.S., well, you take that away then the demand falls surplus rises and price falls as well. So just by stepping up our own oil production or even trading with Canada, Venezuela and Mexico we could also take the power out of the middle east.......oh wait thats where government folks have money invested......damn that throws a wrench in the plan

that's funny...Canada, Venezuela and Mexico...that's where we get the majority of our oil....


New Member
I believe oil is a fossil's not renewable.

And I BELIEVE it's renewable....the proof is not there for either of us to prove our points. Sucks to be us in this argument.