The real cost of religious Faith


Well-Known Member

7:40-8:40 is just so eloquently put.... it's all great, but I love that 1 minute span the most!

"Faith is the excuse people give for believing something when they don't have evidence. I mean, if you can come up with something that I believe, that I don't have evidence for, guess what I'll do? I'll stop believing it. That is the nature of a rational mind." - Matt Dillahunty


Active Member

7:40-8:40 is just so eloquently put.... it's all great, but I love that 1 minute span the most!

"Faith is the excuse people give for believing something when they don't have evidence. I mean, if you can come up with something that I believe, that I don't have evidence for, guess what I'll do? I'll stop believing it. That is the nature of a rational mind." - Matt Dillahunty
what is funny is that there is no where in the bible that says the earth 6000 years old...and that the bible also says that there must be evidence of your faith!!!


Well-Known Member
You just cant prove God but you dont have to. Just ask yourself the question "Who created everything?"

The athiests like being athiests and the Christians like being Christians. It takes faith to be either though, because how can you be sure there is no God or how can you be sure of God?

You cant debunk God and you cant prove God. So which is it? It takes faith to be either Christian or an athiest!

Just My humble opinions!



Well-Known Member
You just cant prove God but you dont have to. Just ask yourself the question "Who created everything?"

The athiests like being athiests and the Christians like being Christians. It takes faith to be either though, because how can you be sure there is no God or how can you be sure of God?

You cant debunk God and you cant prove God. So which is it? It takes faith to be either Christian or an athiest!

Just My humble opinions!

No it doesn't.

Faith is not required for non-belief. Do you need faith to not believe in Invisible pink unicorns? No you don't, because there's no evidence to support their existence and the person making the claim has the burden of proof, not the person rejecting the claim.


Active Member
Oh shut the fuck up already. Are you this stupid that you would bring up this ridiculous attempt at an argument? No one has to disprove or debunk god. No one has to disprove ANYTHING until someone presents sufficient justification for existence. Google Russel's teapot and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Does it take faith to not accept the existence of either of those, or unicorns, or faeries, or werewolves?

I am so fucking tired of people saying it takes faith to not believe in something that has never been proven to exist. It's the biggest logic fail and it is constantly used by those that want to marginalize atheists and it is like putting a flashing, neon light on your post pointing out that you have absolutely no concept of logic and a pathological lack of critical thinking skills.
Calm down dude. You need to respect peoples beliefs and discuss with them in an intelligent manner no matter how much you disagree with them.


Ursus marijanus
Calm down dude. You need to respect peoples beliefs and discuss with them in an intelligent manner no matter how much you disagree with them.
Before you pull out the opera glasses you might want to help yourself to a program. cn


Well-Known Member
Calm down dude. You need to respect peoples beliefs and discuss with them in an intelligent manner no matter how much you disagree with them.
Bullshit. There is absolutely no requirement to respect anyone's belief. Respect is earned not an imperative. Many beliefs are undeserving of respect and in reality deserve contempt. Tell me why I should respect any and all beliefs? Do you respect the beliefs of suicide bombers? How about the beliefs of racists?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Bullshit. There is absolutely no requirement to respect anyone's belief. Respect is earned not an imperative. Many beliefs are undeserving of respect and in reality deserve contempt. Tell me why I should respect any and all beliefs? Do you respect the beliefs of suicide bombers? How about the beliefs of racists?
and Muslim males between the age of 17 - 40.


Active Member
Bullshit. There is absolutely no requirement to respect anyone's belief. Respect is earned not an imperative. Many beliefs are undeserving of respect and in reality deserve contempt. Tell me why I should respect any and all beliefs? Do you respect the beliefs of suicide bombers? How about the beliefs of racists?
Theres a difference between respecting someones beliefs if they dont hurt anyone or try to force them on anyone compared to respecting someones beliefs that aim to kill or hurt peoples emotions. Trying to compare the average Christian to suicide bombers and racists is an idiotic thing to do. Maybe respect is the wrong word to use but you should at least understand that people should be entitled to believe what they want without getting abused as long as they are not hurting anyone.


Well-Known Member
Theres a difference between respecting someones beliefs if they dont hurt anyone or try to force them on anyone compared to respecting someones beliefs that aim to kill or hurt peoples emotions. Trying to compare the average Christian to suicide bombers and racists is an idiotic thing to do. Maybe respect is the wrong word to use but you should at least understand that people should be entitled to believe what they want without getting abused as long as they are not hurting anyone.
He is entitled to believe he is the messiah and claim that there's an afterlife and I'm entitled to point out where he fails when applying logic. Please don't come here and lecture me trying to say that anyone can post some bullshit belief on a public forum and expect to not get ridiculed. I think what is stupid is trying to say that I was comparing suicide bombers to average Christians. Comparing their foundation for belief is not the same as comparing them as people. I personally do not believe anything that I cannot defend with facts, reason and logic. Why do you think that religious beliefs that are built on nothing more than faith should get a pass in society and not be subject to criticism? Beliefs such as Christianity are not benign. Just because we don't see Christians putting on suicide vests does not mean that it is not a harmful belief. Religion and belief in things on faith can and do hurt people.


Well-Known Member
There is no social contract to respect ideologies. People have been known to have some pretty dumb ideas that deserve just as much criticism as the good ideas deserve praise.

In an informed society, ideas need to be attacked from all sides to show they hold validity or some reason to be respected.

I will always respect your right to have an idea, regardless of how stupid it is, but I will not respect the idea itself unless it has merit.


Ursus marijanus
Theres a difference between respecting someones beliefs if they dont hurt anyone or try to force them on anyone compared to respecting someones beliefs that aim to kill or hurt peoples emotions. Trying to compare the average Christian to suicide bombers and racists is an idiotic thing to do. Maybe respect is the wrong word to use but you should at least understand that people should be entitled to believe what they want without getting abused as long as they are not hurting anyone.
I almost responded to this last night but didn't, because i couldn't strike the right tone. But how would you answer to the twin charges that 1) Christians are under obligation to spread the Word, and 2) to a disinterested outsider this is indistinguishable form the transmission mechanism of any other parasite, just that this one is cognitive and not zoological? cn


Well-Known Member
You just cant prove God but you dont have to. Just ask yourself the question "Who created everything?"

The athiests like being athiests and the Christians like being Christians. It takes faith to be either though, because how can you be sure there is no God or how can you be sure of God?

You cant debunk God and you cant prove God. So which is it? It takes faith to be either Christian or an athiest!

Just My humble opinions!


I have argued this with personal friends before where atheism is not a belief nor dose it require any iota of faith,it is more so a philosophical stance and or rejection of the idea that a God or any other exists,mostly based on the lack of evidence,.Christians may like being Christians yet most do not bother to begin thinking outside of their own subjectively dominated opinions,"just having faith" makes them justified enough for their assertions of existence,its circular logic 101 and incorrect to say the least.Once they crack this little bubble and start questioning everything they ever had a belief in, only then can the real journey of understanding and knowledge of reality begin.


Well-Known Member
People believe what other people in their life have influenced them to believe. If all these religious nuts grew up in a village in bum-fuck-Africa, they'd be swearing up and down that some animal was their god... I'm Agnostic. Agnosticism is the view that the existence or non-existence of any deity is unknown and possibly unknowable. It's just that plain and simple and logical, and if anyone else either Atheist or religious freak says otherwise, they're just a brainwashed idiot... Whether god is real or not is just another chicken and egg argument. Neither side can or will ever know at least while they're living...

If you ask me, all religion as done is create and fuel hate and intolerance for others. Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc, have been murdering each other throughout history up until this day and time in the name of religion. Here in the US, we have a lot Christians trying to push their religious values on everyone else. They used their bible to support slavery, to oppress women, and now for a reason why a gay couple, who doesn't believe in their god, can't get married. With religion it's my way or the highway.

If you ask me, Utopia is world without religion and religious nuts... I'm just sick and tired of religious freaks and people born with a silver spoon in their mouth always preaching and making laws trying parent other adults into doing and behaving in a manner that they think we should behave...

MJ should be legal, adult prostitution should be legal, gay marriage should be legal, and people should, whether you're Atheist or Religious, should shut the fuck up and stop worrying about what the next man is doing when it really doesn't concern them..


Well-Known Member
The crowning irony is that in all the Bible there is no evidence for the Bible, either. :eyesmoke: cn
OMG..right on!!! I was born catholic, attended parochial school and in 1st grade loved the bible all those stories..then I got to 2nd grade..they taught us religion AND science..I was like wtf? How can that be? So even a 2nd grader can figure it out.

Atheist all the way..PLEASE gives us freedom FROM religion..they should make it like cigarette smoking..take it outside if you want to talk about it and stop polluting my air with YOUR beliefs..


Well-Known Member
OMG..right on!!! I was born catholic, attended parochial school and in 1st grade loved the bible all those stories..then I got to 2nd grade..they taught us religion AND science..I was like wtf? How can that be? So even a 2nd grader can figure it out.

Atheist all the way..PLEASE gives us freedom FROM religion..they should make it like cigarette smoking..take it outside if you want to talk about it and stop polluting my air with YOUR beliefs..
To me being an Atheist is hypocritical... Their main argument for not believing in God is that there's no proof, but at the very same time, there's no proof that the other side is wrong about God's existence either... I think most people say they're Atheist when they're really Agnostic.