The Problem With America


Well-Known Member
So what I do not understand is that all rights not stated by the federal government are thereby left to the state or the people... why is marijuana illegal then?
It goes back to the civil war. The "federal" government was threatened by the confederacy , and won the war of "Who is in charge here" IT IS THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT" that is in charge, not the states . All of the states have abdicated their power to the federal government. This ain't the way the founding fathers imagined it.


Active Member
I believe a large part of the reason weed isnt legal by now is that fact that we have these people who advocate the legalization of it who are uneducated both on the matter at hand, and in doesnt do any good when some dumbass stoner highschooler tells people weed should be legal so he or she has an excuse to get high and sit around..meanwhile there are those like myself who strive to preach a positive message in reguards to the subject to those who ask and are willing to accept the fact that it isn't as bad for you as cigarettes or alcohol or fatty foods.

THC in moderation can and (I believe) should be used as a tool to expand and develop one's individual being or a particular community as a whole- not to get high act stupid and laugh a lot.. yes people should have the freedom to do so, but until they legally do, theyre making obstacles out of themselves.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I believe a large part of the reason weed isnt legal by now is that fact that we have these people who advocate the legalization of it who are uneducated both on the matter at hand, and in doesnt do any good when some dumbass stoner highschooler tells people weed should be legal so he or she has an excuse to get high and sit around..meanwhile there are those like myself who strive to preach a positive message in reguards to the subject to those who ask and are willing to accept the fact that it isn't as bad for you as cigarettes or alcohol or fatty foods.

THC in moderation can and (I believe) should be used as a tool to expand and develop one's individual being or a particular community as a whole- not to get high act stupid and laugh a lot.. yes people should have the freedom to do so, but until they legally do, theyre making obstacles out of themselves.
I would have to agree and disagree here. All organizations that advertise the responsible use of cannabis are formed of highly educated people, including: physicians, biologists, lawyers, economists, ecologists, biochemists, policemen, politicians, social and political analysts, historians, activists and many many more. The problem is on the other end, the under-aged teens that don't really care much about this struggle and that arn't interested about the many arguments that would prove cannabis to be a part of our culture and history, a beneficial part of society, a incredible source of medication as long as it is used properly and not abused. If the people that do use cannabis are not fully aware of the many positive aspects of this plant and just say "it comes from the earth" (just like poison ivy, i might add), then don't expect the fight to be winnable. It's not because of them not knowing, it's about the interest groups that don't want to keep it criminalized for their own benefit that keep pointing towards these uneducated groups.

Here's a thought: What if all pot smokers suddenly decided to come clean and say that they've used cannabis... there is no chance in hell that there is enough man power or space to prosecute and sanction so many people. They'd have to legalize it, wether they wanted to or not...

What if all pot smokers stood up with all the research in their hand and educated every one they know about the injustice and racial elements that led to the legalization of cannabis, about the fantastic medical effects of cannabis, about the missinforming propaganda about cannabis and about the economic, ecologic, medical, social effects of resposible social and industrial use of cannabis...


Active Member
I'm not saying there aren't educated individuals who advocate the use of marijuana, I was saying those who are uneducated shouldn't take it upon themselves to try and spread the word because they fail miserably at it due to their lack of education on the subject. Any time they do this, they take it upon themselves to represent a small part of the cannabis community; they make us look bad and loose support because of it.


New Member
It became illegal because when it came to a vote pretty much no one in congress had even heard of it, they didn't know what it was. The few people who did know what it was also had something to gain by it being illegal.

Since most didn't know what it was or what it could do, they just took the word of those who wanted it illegal and voted with them.

Now that it's been proclaimed illegal and all the anti-marijuana propoganda has been brainwashed into people minds it's hard to convince them otherwise.

I think we're going about it all wrong. We need some reverse psychology on this. We need to present it as , we've discovered a "new" plant. It can be made into : bio-fuels, clothing, food, medicine, etc. List off all the things it can do, but never tell what it is. Keep people in the dark about it, hype it up for a while.

Then when people are at the height of their excitement, tell them that this plant has been known of all along, and it is, Cannabis..........


Well-Known Member
its to easy for people to misinterperate there rights under the constitution. people dont realize this country was founded by rebels that were going against the establishment. people are too afraid to stand up now days every one is scared! we dont have the right to bear arms to protect ourselves from each other we have that right mostly to protect us from our government! the founding fathers just violently overthrew a government, they knew the only way to get real change was to stand and fight!! i think it was ben franklin who said " for a government to truely work it must be violently overthrown every 20 years"

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Jefferson also said "the government that governs best, governs least", meaning that the best gov is the one that will stay off your back and won't tell you what to do and what not to do.

Americans have forgotten this mostly because of the education system. The founding fathers were rebels, as you said, so accepting government policies that infringe upon your rights to smoke what you want is exactly what they wanted to avoid and dismiss... as was the formation of a central bank that would enslave all citizen thou debt, but that's another story altogether.

People should know that most famous historical and cultural figures were pot smokers, from G. Washington, Churchill, Queen Victoria, almost all entertainers and artists, all the way down to... (well he's famous for being stupid and an asshole) G.W. Bush. These are facts that are left out of any text book, because they erode the foundation of BS that the US is now founded on...