The plant!


Active Member
So if anyone here frequents the indoor growing i had a small 1 plant test to see how well i got on growing. It all went really well until the plant decided to slap me in the face with balls. A very unpleasant feeling. So i decided to show some mercy and planted it beside the house to see how it does in the western world. Its survived 3 snow storms, 1 freezing rain, an attack by a dog and -15 weather. Its still going strong and smells nice - just hope the kid upstairs doesnt wake up one morning and run to mommy complaining of that "skunky" smell - oh well shes an animal lover.

here it is; I just planted him outside to see what happens. How is it doing for about 1 1/2 months old?

While i was out photographing/smoking the propane man came by to fill the propane tank - as we are on the wrong side of the tracks. Ignoring the small plant in my hand he says;
"son im gonna have to ask you to put that reefer out!"
In shock i reply "Why cause it will take me on a bad path to the crack cocaine? Cause its a gateway drug? Maybe im sick and its all that helps? Maybe you should mind your business!" Realizing ive smoked to much and am making a total ass of myself i stop and look at the ground and realize once again that there is a plant there and i shuffle to one side to block it from his view.
The propane man was having a good laugh at this point and said that he only had to fill the propane and didn't want any open flames nearby.



grow space

Well-Known Member
thats some resistant plant you got there mate -15c, I dont belive you, sorry.but your plant looks really nice and well.
keep up the good work....


Active Member
why are you wasting your time growing a male are you fucking stupid?
Chill.. I just planted it outdoors for no reason at all except to see how it does in the last frost. And please - take the giant dick out of your mouth before you talk; if you don't have anything productive to say fuck off.

It was -15 one night and it snowed the next day. the average temps so far are between -2 and 20. Its finally staying above 5 at night and reaching 25-30 during the day.

Believe what you want im just saying..