the nugg show


Well-Known Member
very nice looking plants token
heres a godbud day 38

and a iss at day 30

and another iss coming down sunday

and some gola also on tap for sunday

thanks and enjoy.


Well-Known Member
how the fuck did i miss this thread guys??! really nice buds, i'll have some dankness to show soon...until then here's my diesel ryder from a couple grows ago....happy growing..:leaf:

and a big thanks to the gracious Gypsy who taught me how to post larger pictures...:-P




Well-Known Member
Hey dude...

Don't wanna be an ass....

But when you post someone else's picture, AND THANK YOU FOR BLOWING IT UP:clap: I used to be the only one...:lol:

But yeah... give him a quote mark... you know....
uesername [/quote said:
kinda thing...

Most people miss even that... but still...

So yeah.. sorry ... don't mean to be a nag... but very few people read when there's pics involved...


Well-Known Member
ok... :eyesmoke::lol:

I just thought it shoud say his name on the quotes.. that's all...

I'm not harping on you dude... I'm just stooooned...:lol::hug:


Well-Known Member
me 2 gypsy.......... but your in the house of bong here we play by my jus kidding bro........... it was a good point.


Well-Known Member
No offense meant bro...:razz:

it's just confusing enough to post someone else's pics...

I just try my best to make people aware of the original poster by quoting it as such...

And you're right...

It's your house... I'll shut the fuck up and just watch...;-)

fucking gypsies... :lol: