The new Harry Potter movie... + LSD


Well-Known Member
You arent missing out... Im only going because my wife is dragging me so I'd thought I'd make a bit of fun out of it :)


Well-Known Member
Ahh yes but that is literature :) The details and the levels of explanation are vastly different than that of normal cinema.

The last Harry Potter movie was just one big ass cliff hanger, which was annoying as hell. Nothing even really happened.
I saw on the news everyone was saying that's exactly how the end of this one is, one big cliff hanger


Im going to that movie with my mom tomorrow, i was thinking about eating a hit and going and just not telling my mom lol, I honestly think id keep my composure pretty well but i ate 2 dose's of needlepoint last night and i think i need a few day's to recover from this one...

Def the weirdest trip ive ever had thats for sure :leaf:
kinda funny.... my mom's been beggin me for some acid.... wanna trade moms? lol :D

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
kinda funny.... my mom's been beggin me for some acid.... wanna trade moms? lol :D
Haha thats funny.. See my mom's not completely against acid, she just doesnt understand it. Infact i talked to my mom right before i dosed last time and i told her i was dosing and she actually told me to make sure and have a good time lol..

Hey gogrow did you by chance ever go and see saw3d on 5 hits of fluff like you were talking about?


Haha thats funny.. See my mom's not completely against acid, she just doesnt understand it. Infact i talked to my mom right before i dosed last time and i told her i was dosing and she actually told me to make sure and have a good time lol..

Hey gogrow did you by chance ever go and see saw3d on 5 hits of fluff like you were talking about?[/QUOTE/]
no... I havent had the chance to buy any yet.... and the sample I got went to me and 2 of my lil bros tripping together... for thier first time. went great ;) ... still have that plan if I can get a check in time.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
no... I havent had the chance to buy any yet.... and the sample I got went to me and 2 of my lil bros tripping together... for thier first time. went great ;) ... still have that plan if I can get a check in time.
Thats awesome man, im glad you had a good time with your bro's! Ive been tripping out with my cousin/best friend alot lately and its def brought us alot closer together. Its weird because 3 year's ago the kid didnt even smoke weed, i mean he wasnt against it but just didnt have the interest to do it and now he's dropped acid with me 3 time's in the last 2 months..

As far as watching gory flicks on acid goes, i personally dont think i could get down with saw or hostile just for the fact that it kinda creep's me out that people could even come up with that morbid of stuff.. But i have contemplated watching dexter and saving private ryan a few times just to see how hard i could trip myself out lol..

I think next time im going to give it a go..


Well-Known Member
My ma used to be a hippie in the 60's went to Woodstock saw Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Iorn Butterfly, Rolling Stones, CCR, The Beatles and Led Zepplin (in their first gig in America as an opening act for Iron Butterfly) shes even on a shirt that has a picture of a huge crowd of people at woodstock that they sell in target with her trying to talk to her boyfriend. Now she's just a mean alcoholic :(

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Im about to see harry in a couple hours with the wife. I just started eating a big dose of edibles that will surely have me seeing visuals for the movie :)
DEFINITELY tell me your take on it, from a "would this be a good movie to eat acid and watch" perspective


Well-Known Member
Movie was actually pretty good. If you haven't read the books, dont bother going to see it, or it will make zero sense.

So, I saw it in IMAX. AWESOME. By the time the previews started I was fucking sky high from these brownies I made a week ago and a blunt in the theater parking lot. The new TRON preview came on with the Daft Punk vibes and thundering bass and I was fucking smiling so wide :D

The movie itself is very dark and gloomy, with many startling sequences, but I could definitely drop for this film. I say go for it Sr. Verde!


Well-Known Member
Movie was actually pretty good. If you haven't read the books, dont bother going to see it, or it will make zero sense.

So, I saw it in IMAX. AWESOME. By the time the previews started I was fucking sky high from these brownies I made a week ago and a blunt in the theater parking lot. The new TRON preview came on with the Daft Punk vibes and thundering bass and I was fucking smiling so wide :D

The movie itself is very dark and gloomy, with many startling sequences, but I could definitely drop for this film. I say go for it Sr. Verde!
im waiting for tron to have my tripping theater journey..... I will have to take baby sitter though for sure

on subject of brothers I just cant do drugs with my little brother (he''s 21) I give them to him but I cant do them with him I dont know why just makes me feel weird, occasoinally we'll smoke weed together or drink but thats it, I'll give him shrooms and cid he takes them shares with his freinds and they have a good time.. he never flipped out or nothing I just get weird vibes from him lol

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
shit when does tron come out?? I might just have to wait for that.. daft punk did the soundtrack yeah?


Well-Known Member
They did the whole score :D

Watch in Full HD with Bass at maximum...



Well-Known Member
I went to see Natural Born Killers on shrooms and that was not a great idea.

HP on LSD sounds like a good time.

Have fun.
:lol: you don't have to be on a psychedelically rich plateau to enjoy Oliver Stone movies... that shits crazy enough haha

It seemed like you gulped down a quarter pounds of mushies when you were watching it huh ;)