The Machine - Pink Floyd Tribute


Hey everyone, my girlfriend ordered us tickets last night to see The Machine tonight... I have 3g of some potent shrooms i'm going to eat before the show, and ill have at least 5 joints of my kush in my pocket haha... SHOULD BE A GREAT TIME! :clap: can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Roger waters is sick! I saw him do DSOTM in 2005 and that was a blast. Hope you have a good time chillin out to some good tunes.


damn i haven't been on here in a while.. i had a pretty shitty time at the show lol..

it started out great, i made 2 firecrackers beforehand for my gf and i. i put my shrooms on top of my peanut butter/weed haha i call it the funguscracker. but everything was starting to kick in by the time we got there. we sat down just as "welcome to the machine" opened the show. it started off awesome.. then i started hearing these fucking teenagers behind me talk about the stupidest shit in the middle of every song and they were getting in my head. i started getting nervous and anxious as it was a lit theater with families around(i didn't know it was that kind of venue) and i was tripping pretty good. anyway i started getting angry at the band for jamming around and making their own shit up in the middle of a pink floyd song they were attempting to play. haha i was the biggest critic and couldn't appreciate what music they were actually playing that sounded great but instead focused on wanting to hear the real version of time, wish you were here, etc.. one thing i always do when i trip is get some quality pink floyd going.
i probably wouldn't see them again. i would definitely love to see the Australian Pink Floyd cover band tho...