The JFK assassination


Well-Known Member
What do you believe happened?

I wasn't around yet to witness it, and I really have no knowledge of anything beyond what the government says what happened..

Those of you who actually witnessed it, what do you think really happened? What was the atmosphere like when it happened? How were people who questioned the original story treated?

At this point, I think it's nearly impossible to prove completely what happened. Did Oswald fire the fatal shot?


Active Member
There are a lot of conflicting facts based upon this story, however one triumphs over others, and that is: JFK was indeed shot and killed by Lee Harvey. If he indeed was, Lee Harvey has on record, one of the nicest shots of all time. Like you, I wasn't around, but I have studied much about the assassination. Many have even studied the "ice bullet", like myth busters, due to this killing.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Do you mean the JFK assassination that the United States House Select Committee On Assassinations concluded in 1978 that Kennedy was very likely the victim of a conspiracy?
Is that the one you are talking about?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
It seems like he was somebody like Ron Paul, they couldn't control him, so just kill him and blame it on a wacko like Lee Harvey Oswald. it makes sense, just very flexible evidence to ride on though, conspiracy theories tend to fall flat.


Well-Known Member
JFK wanted to go back to a gold standard, which would have rendered the fed reserve powerless. He was about to sign the document then ka-blam, and Lyndon Johnson vetoed it