The Irish Growers Thread!

That's what this site is all about. Helping other grower's out. Welcome to the Irish side.

thanks for the great welcome irish farmer :) thanks.


Well-Known Member
Resillant fucker's arent they.
When I first got there I actually thought someone else had watwered them as the soil was still damp from a few days before..
I'm a bit worried about the soil that they are going in to, even though I dug hols then baack filled them with my own soil mix... Also put mulch on the top to stop it all drying out.. So now I recon they'll be ok till Sunday for that is when i'll have a look next.
I'll take a few pics when I'm up there next time..

irish farmer

Active Member
Looking forward to seeing those pic's. If you can gather some moss like patches about a foot square and put it around the base of your plants it will help retain water.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member

It took a while but heres a snap of the girls, both are hollands hope. I topped one and im going to let the other do its thing. The one on the right seems to have a bit of a dificiency of some sort, mabie she just needs a bigger pot but i was thing of putting her outside in the wilderness and see what happens. Hopefully i will have one of these againrichie-lxp-103189-albums-super-skunk-durban-poison-picture850342-005.jpg


Well-Known Member
bit of help wanted
i would be using a compost which has got feed in it i used it to plant melon seeds said
4 weeks before you see them growing but 1 week or less and they were growing i juts transfred them last night into pots of there own ready for grow bags so could i use that in stead of soil and its allways nice and damp do u think that would be ok or does it has to be soil
seen the others ways like putting in egg cartoon with tisssie paper etc seeds i want to plant 1x Northern Light Blue - Feminised
1x Hawaiian Skunk - Regular
2x Hash Passion - Regular am from n ireland and well be going into a green house when i get it set up in a few weeks time


Active Member
Updated pics of my indoor garden. Progression is hard for me to see cause im in there every couple of hours but when i looked back to previous pics there coming along nice. Im wishing the next 3 / 4 weeks away cause i think ill have some good bud porn to show ye then.



Active Member
what way did u start growing them if u read the post above ure great pics u not what am saying
Darren you should start your seeds in a propergator with peat pellets or the more traditional way the paper towel method for germing , as for your soil i could not possibly give you any advice weither to use it or not, i am not sure what kind of feed is in your compost and it could be overkill for your young seedlings. You also need to make sure that your medium has good drainage as not to waterlog your roots. If you live near a garden center just get soil used for planting Tomatos and i think you cant go far wrong from there but do not add any feed to your plants for at least 5 weeks as it should have a 6 week slow release supply in soil already. Im new to this myself so hopefully somebody else can add there 2 cents but u need to provide as much information as possible to get the best advice

irish farmer

Active Member
Darren you should start your seeds in a propergator with peat pellets or the more traditional way the paper towel method for germing , as for your soil i could not possibly give you any advice weither to use it or not, i am not sure what kind of feed is in your compost and it could be overkill for your young seedlings. You also need to make sure that your medium has good drainage as not to waterlog your roots. If you live near a garden center just get soil used for planting Tomatos and i think you cant go far wrong from there but do not add any feed to your plants for at least 5 weeks as it should have a 6 week slow release supply in soil already. Im new to this myself so hopefully somebody else can add there 2 cents but u need to provide as much information as possible to get the best advice
Could not of put it better myself. Your seed's have all they need built in for at least 3 to 5 week's. As for soil any good potting mix is fine, bets of luck with your grow Darren.


Well-Known Member
the stuff i have is all in one miracle grow compost u get it in like bq i got it from home bass did the trick for melon seeds lol
only eggs box i have r card board so to put paper in it dont think it would work to well as card board would soak all water up but do have a plastic tomotoe cartoon


Active Member
the stuff i have is all in one miracle grow compost u get it in like bq i got it from home bass did the trick for melon seeds lol
only eggs box i have r card board so to put paper in it dont think it would work to well as card board would soak all water up but do have a plastic tomotoe cartoon
Darren i pulled this from another thread it might be of educational value for you

Seed Germination

There are several ways of germinating seeds, where the most common is to place the seeds between a few sheets of wet paper towel. This is probably the best method but seeds will also germinate when planted directly into soil.
After placing the seeds between the paper towels, put them in a box and keep the paper towels wet at all times. Applying some heat underneath the box (like placing it on the heating element/radiator) will effectively turn the box into an incubator and the seeds will germinate faster. Once the taproot has cracked the seed and emerged, it ready to be planted into soil.

Sometimes you will run into tough or old seeds that fail to germinate. There are a few ways of getting them to germinate.
Old seeds or seeds with a very thick outer shell can sometimes fail to germinate because the seed coat is so hard or thick that the moisture never gets inside the seed in order to trigger germination, or even if the seed germinates, the taproot lacks the strength to emerge.

Method 1:

Take a really sharp knife, a scalpel or maybe a carpet knife will do. Something really sharp anyway, the smaller the blade the better as this is precision work. Hold the seed between your fingers and chip the outer shell /seed coat at the bottom (sharp end) or in the middle. This will expose the "seed embryo" to the moisture of the paper towel. If you chip the seed coat at the top, the taproot might try to work it's way to the other side inside the shell and usually the seed dies before it succeeds. The trick here is not to hurt the innards of the seed in any way. If you chip too deep you end up slicing the embryonic seed and then it's goodbye for that one.
If you look at the picture above you can see how the seed coat is chipped. This method is so effective that seeds usually germinate within a few hours after a piece of the coat has been removed.
Using this method I have managed to get high germination rates upward of 75% with really old and tough seeds.

It's a gamble but if done carefully it will work almost every time.

Method 2:

This is the safer option with less change of ruining the seed. It might take a little bit longer for the seed to germinate than with method 1 but still pretty fast compared to regular germination.

Use fine grain sand paper and carefully thin out the seed coat until it looks like there is only a very fine layer of the outer shell left. That's it.

Both methods increase germination rates considerably

irish farmer

Active Member
Use the paper towel method then. Get like a plastic carton with a lid soak some paper towel's in water place 1 folded towel in the bottom, put your seed's on top of that and cover the seed's with more paper towel's. The paper towel should be damp not drenched. Put the lid on the carton and place in a warm dark spot. Check it daly and dont let it dry out.


Active Member
Pop back in here and let us know how your getting on Darren , im off to cut the lawn i wish my plants grew as fast as it.


Well-Known Member
Darren this is a Weed growers forum please refrain from advertising shite here which is not related to growing as i doubt it will be appreciated from the forum Mods , i suggest that you remove the link in your post.
I'll echo that..

You've been given great advice about starting your seeds.. Mirical grow might be to strong for your seedling so use potting compost once they have sprouted, after a few weeks you can introduce them to the mirical grow...
If I were you and if possible.. Have the filter outside the tent and have your new fan blowing out to it..
What temps you getting now lad..?
cheers jay,temps no too bad never above 28 or below 17,i'm movin at the end of this wk(same buildin!!).its gona be tricky. but there goin straight into flowerin when i get in there. i'l leave it til then too hook up cfilter

fruits of ireland

Well-Known Member
allrite lads just sayin a quick hello,,ive been in thailand shortin out some family bizz this past few weeks,,sold all the ww befor i went,,gotta stay here for 3 more wks,,,i was on skype wit my bro,,got em ta go ta me gaf and look at the 6 autos i had goin and there all doin good bar 1,,,no water for too weeks there a good hight and in flower,,,got em ta mix up 30ltr container water whit palgron pk 13 14 and green sensashion,,,will try and get pics up next week,,,oh yea there in the garden,,hope all gos well,,i think they will be ready for the chop when i get bk,,,peace out


I am Irish and love pot so I think I'm safe! I recently got my card and just completed my grow room. I have a 1000W metal halide for veg and 1000W high pressure sodium for flower, lined walls with panda plastic, put oscillating fans in both rooms, and ac unit to control temp. Put a carbon filter exhaust in to keep smell down. I'm using an organic soil in 5 gallon pots once I get clones, then using grow fertilizer which I got at a local hydro store. I've read a few books, watched a few videos, and checked out a couple grow operations. That is all dandy but experience is where it's at. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.......cause I am nervous as fuck!!!! Keep hearing all these horror stories from people so I don't know what to think now. Guess I'll find out Monday when I start this project! Happy smoking!!!!!!


Active Member
Hope somebody can help me out here ,my plant has moisture stress the soil feels very compacted im presuming its overwatering on my behalf but im unsure if i should attemp a transplant in mid flowering on a autoflowering plant ? Appriciate any input
