The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Dont know about outside richie but last tym round i got an OZ off two plants under a 400watt on 12-12 cause i had a few non-auto is well! If your getting lowryders make sure you go with joint doctors, i had grow xxx LR#2 this time and they been nothin but trouble some of the 2 of them are over 2ft and woudnt flower till they were put on 12-12!

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Dont know about outside richie but last tym round i got an OZ off two plants under a 400watt on 12-12 cause i had a few non-auto is well! If your getting lowryders make sure you go with joint doctors, i had grow xxx LR#2 this time and they been nothin but trouble some of the 2 of them are over 2ft and woudnt flower till they were put on 12-12!

I read a few treads about that, isnt it somthing to do with genitics that the outoflower traits dont show and they keep on going with the normal photo period? At least they sorted ya out with a few seeds man.

One of my plants is a grow xxx super skunk, im nearly shure there going into flower aswell. Happy days ha ha :-P


Well-Known Member
Yea it was bang on that they sorted me out! Yea happy days is right one of my LR#2 will be ready in bout 3 weeks with a bit of luck!


Well-Known Member
im likewise, theyv just started shooting out pistils!

im so pissed off with the weather!

somone make it sunny!


New Member
Wel lads hows trix. I hope all is well with the growing. Hear are a few pics of my girls taken today
Looking good guys...all of you. :clap: Ahh...the peat!

Your plants are coming of age and look like they are getting close to the stage where wind can knock them over as they gain sail. You should think about staking the pots down or slipping the pot into a larger pot and filling the in between space with pea pebbles. Then you won't go visit and have them face down in the mud.....I mean, the peat...:wink:

irish farmer

Active Member
Looking good guys...all of you. :clap: Ahh...the peat!

Your plants are coming of age and look like they are getting close to the stage where wind can knock them over as they gain sail. You should think about staking the pots down or slipping the pot into a larger pot and filling the in between space with pea pebbles. Then you won't go visit and have them face down in the mud.....I mean, the peat...:wink:
Wel dude hows trix. How is your toe and did you sort the mould.


New Member
Wel dude hows trix. How is your toe and did you sort the mould.
I'm doing just ducky! No, the mold sorted me I'm afraid. I harvested a half dozen and threw a half dozen out. Still have many more to go as they were not as far along......

Just putting up my outdoor winter grow this week. Yes, I can grow all year round outside here...:wink:

irish farmer

Active Member
I'm doing just ducky! No, the mold sorted me I'm afraid. I harvested a half dozen and threw a half dozen out. Still have many more to go as they were not as far along......

Just putting up my outdoor winter grow this week. Yes, I can grow all year round outside here...:wink:
Thats a pitty you had to chuck out some of your plants. You can grow all year outside thats nice. Hope your toes are up for it watch out for those nails and vines a.


New Member
I was able to harvest about a third of the buds off of those. I kept fighting the mold but it was in so deep, it kept right on truckin.....finally I realized that something was better then nothing and I wasn't turning the mold around. I'm still looking for that Florida summer mold resistant strain.... haven't found it yet...:lol:

irish farmer

Active Member
I was able to harvest about a third of the buds off of those. I kept fighting the mold but it was in so deep, it kept right on truckin.....finally I realized that something was better then nothing and I wasn't turning the mold around. I'm still looking for that Florida summer mold resistant strain.... haven't found it yet...:lol:
I wish you all the luck in Ireland you will find the perfect strain.


New Member
Yes, and actually mold likes the 'fluctuation" of humidity, which is Fla. all summer long. It goes from semi humid to wet and back again with withering heat. My shade grow is doing better right now with mold, so the temp swings may play a large factor.