The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
Ah sure, good things come to those that wait! My clones didnt come to nothing either. Still have four left but they havnt grown an inch. Took the plunge there anyway and ordered new beans.
Hopin to be going again this time next week

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
good man, no hanging about get straight in...

should have myself but things weren`t right for it, love haveing a garden again tho, even i its only small now, hopefully i can time the perpetual right now aswell and get a harvest every 6 weeks or so....


Active Member
Aiming for the same thing pretty much. Every two months or so for harvest. Got Laughing Buddha and White Widow on the way so hoping to get clones from both

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
white widow is supossed to be an awesome plant to grow, and laughing buddha sound nice, a happy type pheno!!! love weed that makes you laugh your ass off for no reason...


Active Member
Thats what Im hoping for with both of them. Havnt had weed that just makes you sick laughing in a long time. White Widow I got just because of the name it has but looks class in the pictures online. Lets hope i can grow it to look like them

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
have every faith in you dude, you can grow like a champion.....

white widow by who like breeder, i`m sure its savage weed, all that white stuff is , like blackjack, lots of breeders do it and its a great plant to grow..

well happy with these seeds i got, checked on them there now and there comeing along great just before lights out, i`ve switched to a 17 on 8 off schedule for now to help with the root ball..

another couple of days and its the small pots for them... second set of three are out on two earliest ones, little worried there male as the tend to grow that bit quicker ...


Active Member
Widow is by Green House Seeds. Supposed to be fairly good. Laughing Buddha by Barneys Farm.
I just got the Feminised ones this time. Couldnt deal with the thinking about males again.
Down the hydro shop today and got the soil and coco. Proper biobizz and canna coco. At least Im not goin to woodies for soil anymore. Nice to get set up with all the right stuff. One of those EC meters now and I should be set

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yes yes... always upgradeing is the way to go, homemade is fine up to a point but for yeilds and proper stoney weed then getting the right gear is esential..

like soil and cfls are fine for a hobbie grower or say some one who wants to try it out, and i was one of those people, but for a proper growing experience it would have to be in coco under hps or hydro etc....

not sold on led yet, sorry kang hahahahahaha.............


Active Member
Yea it is one of those things where you know if you put the money in itll pay off in the long run.
Ill stay goin as normal for this batch but next Ill give those hempy buckets a go. Of course I still have to get the garden ready for a perpetual setup. Mostly there only to do the air circulation

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i have myself promised that i won`t stop this time until i have a little room setup to keep us in weed, make our own hash and butter....

doesn`t have too be fancy, just work...


Active Member
Well as i see it you have to get goin perpetual. I know that what I get off this crop wont keep me goin for 4 months. That hole conveyor belt of weed is needed. Even starting now its gonna be November before there ready.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so you too been running numbers, what in scrog do you thin that you will pull dry per plant ..

5? 10? 15?...

i`m aiming for 10 a plant, in an ideal no worries hasstle free grow of course...


Well-Known Member
Id be happy with an oz at this stage lol my cobra is doing better no more damage on leaves and she is under both leds and no cfl's. my seedling on the other hand is not in a good way and doesnt like the strong led so ive put her into a cupboard and under a 125w cfl so either it lives or dies,


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
its crazy how that plant is reacting to the led... we now its not...

micro nutes...

add to the list here so we know what its not dude....

could hardly be the led too close and its light saturation???? i read about another plant with same problems, i`ll go find the link.....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
lads we may do a list of strains we have grown and there effect, got a few joints of stuff last night ad its great buzz and a motivator..

hahahaha have front yard and back cleaned grass cut, house shineing and the rest of the day to enjoy.....

the blacjack and shanti i pulled early so can`t say much about them, great tasteing smoke and good high for premature could do a days work on the stone aswell...


Well-Known Member
Howyiz lads-
I have an LA Confidential that's been outdoors since April - when can I expect it to show pre-flowers? Closer to the 12/12 daylight period?