The History Channel Chronic History Show.


Active Member
Have you all seen this yet. Man it awesome. It takes for the first real time a positve point of view on MMJ. Normaly when you see these kind of report they go and find some jacked up crack head that claims he uses pot and really does us no good for the cause.

This goes and getts points of view from all over the place but I love how they got the most off the wall insane people to deffend its prohabition.

The blond lady that looks like the accountant from the Office. Her argument "hell no" great point way to follow that up with some points to support this. No yea I didnt think so.

Of the preacher saying anything that can cause addtion is the work of the devil. Rly I mean rly the devil. But clearly he is right I mean look at AA lets trade our addction to Alcahol and replace it with a 12 step program that leads you be addcited to something eles.

Let for once just put all the BS aside give a bunch of labs the right to test and the right to publish the real results and end this joke of a war on pot.

Its just a god damn plant and I have ever right to grow it so screw you.