The Hempy Collective

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Well-Known Member
Question. I've read all the info, and love what I'm seeing. My mother(hopefully) that I've started from seed, seems to being growing at an extremely slow rate. I feel like my soil is kinda compact. This is all general stuff that I, and most of us know, about how the roots need room to grow. But my questions is, what if I used a mix of like 50/50 soil to perlite? I'm about 2 and a half weeks in, and I'm not sure if I want to shock the hell out of it trying to get all the soil out of the roots.. What do you guys think?
you dont have to get it all off having some soil on the root ball wont cause any problems........


Well-Known Member
That's what I was thinking...

It's constantly getting more and more tempting to go transplant now... but for those that are experienced with this(bigd), do you think I could keep a big mama alive for a while in this medium? I know most have mamas in soil and use this for flowering clones, but I'm tired of this compact soil that a) makes the roots fight to get through the soil, and b) it's MG Organic, so I'm worried about the plants health later, specially if I start giving it nutes. Thanks for such speedy feedback bigd.


Well-Known Member
Alright sweet. I have all the necessary equipment to transplant and everything now, but first I wanna be fully prepared. I'll be heading to walmart later for some distilled gallons. Will some ph test strips be fine? I don't have enough money right now for a ph pen and a ppm reader.

Also, my young'n is just over 2 weeks old, should I be worrying about nutes?? I read through a shit ton of this thread, and didn't see very much about nutes... sorry for all the novice questions.


Well-Known Member
yep the test strips will do, I have found I need to start nutes at about a week ( when growing from seed) perlite has nothing in it at all and if you are using distilled or r/o water neither does the water so they need a little something after about a week IMHO
question: watering seedling with distilled water? bad idea good idea....? so cal hasnt rained all fuckin summer so really no rain water, whats best to water with other than rain water.:confused:


Well-Known Member
One more novice question. I'm about to transplant, but I'm hesitant. I got some R/O water, some nice chunky perlite(after i sifted it), and some fish emulsion, which is 5-1-1.

What I'm wondering is do you guys just have the dry perlite, transplant, and then give a good watering? I'm not planning on giving it anything but water for the next day or so, but what do you think about this feeding recipe:
Per gallon, 1 drop superthrive, 1 Tsp. Fish emulsion, and a littler bit later in its life, adding schultz 10-15-10, 3-4 drops,??


Well-Known Member
yep just like any transplant you dont want roots to be dry so moistin the perlite when transplanting.....peace az


Well-Known Member
One more novice question. I'm about to transplant, but I'm hesitant. I got some R/O water, some nice chunky perlite(after i sifted it), and some fish emulsion, which is 5-1-1.

What I'm wondering is do you guys just have the dry perlite, transplant, and then give a good watering? I'm not planning on giving it anything but water for the next day or so, but what do you think about this feeding recipe:
Per gallon, 1 drop superthrive, 1 Tsp. Fish emulsion, and a littler bit later in its life, adding schultz 10-15-10, 3-4 drops,??

those nutes will work here is the recipe for the dr bud mix from ic mag, I am running it now in bempy buckets and no complaints cheap and readily available:hump:

Per gallon:
4 drops superthrive
4 droppers shultz 10-15-10
1 Tbsp fish emulsion
1 Tbsp molasses


Well-Known Member
Thx az and d, always appreciate you guys' help.

d, that's what I was going by for reference, but I was wondering if it should be diluted more for the hempy system? I'll have to go pick up some schultz tonight, I'm assuming it comes with a dropper by the sound of the recipe... and can I just opt out on the molasses, or is it kind of key?


Well-Known Member
yes it comes with a dropper, and started at half strength and worked my way up, I personally like using the molasses but it should be fine without it.... I have found that hempy buckets can take a higher dosage of nutes since the perlite doenst contain any and doesnt absorb much....I worry more about deficincies than nute burn


Well-Known Member
Well tonight I'll just give it R/O water, and tomorrow, a feeding of the mix. Also, about the dr bud recipe, is it tbsp or tsp, 'cause I swear I read teaspoon at ic. Once again thanks for all the help.


Well-Known Member
Well tonight I'll just give it R/O water, and tomorrow, a feeding of the mix. Also, about the dr bud recipe, is it tbsp or tsp, 'cause I swear I read teaspoon at ic. Once again thanks for all the help.
nope its a tablespoon I copied and pasted it directly from the thread per the bottle of fish emulsions it is 1 tablespoon per gallon for container and outdoor plants.....


Well-Known Member
Hey Az any neg. results using clear containers? I remember you mentioning gallons of water to be used. Do you wrap the outside? I have mine in a cut 1.5L of Nestea, but the wrapper is off and you can see right through. I prefer it atleast as of right now, cause I can see water level.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I just transplanted. Went ok, but scared the hell out of me. I was about satisfied with the remaining soil left on the roots, and when I cup it with both my hands, of course the big clod split in half and I could see the very base of the plant where the seedling used to be. It scared the shit out of me, but I got it in the cup safely, got it supporting itself, and gave it a good R/O flush, and then I gave it a small flush with my gallon with 2 drops superthrive. So now I wait... and hope I didn't stress it too much or kill it... If the roots are only about half way down, how often do you guys recommend watering, until I get some deep roots?


Well-Known Member
water lightly probly everyday this time of year with heat an such plants use up more water if you notice signs of overwatering back off to every other day..the roots will hit the base in probly less then 2 for clear container like 1gal jugs yes it is important to cover the outside with ducttape or some kinda reflective dark spray does cause algea to grow on the sides next to the roots otherwise...peace az


Well-Known Member
That's interesting. Odd that he's getting faster growth in the bucquet, although I guess it's highly possible that the one in the bucket was a bad clone, or had something happen to it during the process of planting it.. HB was sayin maybe cause the dr bud fert isn't specifically a hydro fert??

Anyways, with everyone experimenting with different mediums, one thing I've been wondering about is using like a false bottom? Have basically the same system, except rather than having a reservoir filled with medium, you have your basic bucket, with a small, open air reservoir. I'm not sure if having that root mass will cause transplant problems. I'm thinking the false bottom would have to be made out of thin plastic or something, something that you could tear apart without damaging the root mass. Obviously this probably wouldn't work outdoors, but whadda you guys think?

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