The Hempy Collective

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Well-Known Member
Just got back from Walmart. Picked up 6 gallons of distilled water...that should be enough to do some flushing.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
when leaving the water sitting in a container for an extended period of time (24+ hours) make sure to have an air stone in there bubbling up the mix to keep the amount of DO (dissolved oxygen) high in the water... cuz the more dissolved oxygen the more there is availible to your roots and the more they thrive... just thought i'd add that in...
Yeah, I do this for my rez of pre-mixed ferts, but didn't even think of doing it for just the water. Thanks dude!



Well-Known Member
Up to 7 little Hempys now, lovin them so much.

Quick ? Is there any benefit to molasses during flowering with Hempys?

Sorry if it's been asked, I just skimmed again quickly and didn't catch it.:blsmoke:

Thanks - OGH


Well-Known Member
I went today and got 10 gallons of distilled water 69 cents each, R/O water was only 59 cents but I went distilled, was that a smart decision..


Well-Known Member
Distilled Water- I've pH'd a few brands. Poland Spring is good- around 5.8. The others- brand, CVS, Walgreens- all seem to be over 7.0.


Well-Known Member
LOL so what is so special about distilled water then if the ph lvl is so high I thought it was suppose to be neutral


Well-Known Member
What happends if you put your seed straight in the perlite and grow straight from there? or is it best to use clones or dirt to start?


Well-Known Member
It might not grow check out my grow log and see the pics of my new seeds.. I put them in a 1x1x1 cube of rockwool.. Then I'll transplant them at about a week into a mini HB bucket.. It's a 32oz party cup that I made into a HB.. Then when they are about 2-4 weeks I'll transplant those into the final 2 gallon buckets..


Well-Known Member
ok guys the sodium free distilled water normally has a ph of 6.5.... as far as the molasses I asked the question before and according to AZ it is good to go, I beleive it was 1tpsn per gallon, but its in there a few pages back........


Well-Known Member
ok guys the sodium free distilled water normally has a ph of 6.5.... as far as the molasses I asked the question before and according to AZ it is good to go, I beleive it was 1tpsn per gallon, but its in there a few pages back........
So do you think that the water is good to go then fresh out the carton or should I use some ph down on it ??


Well-Known Member
ok guys the sodium free distilled water normally has a ph of 6.5.... as far as the molasses I asked the question before and according to AZ it is good to go, I beleive it was 1tpsn per gallon, but its in there a few pages back........
Also I forgot to ask can u start giving molases when you start giving nutes or only like on the flowering stage..


Well-Known Member
ok lot to cover real quick...6.5 ph imo is what were aiming for in this set up....i prefer a lil lower like least when im giving nutes thats where i want it...when giving water the 6.5 is fine....a neutral ph is 7.0 an i said befor that most r/o water is at 6.5...marijuana plants prefer a slightly acidic soil/perlite/hydro etc etc......when going past the 7.0 an getting in the 8's an beyond many nutes begin to be locked out....yes you can plant strait into week i'll update some pics an show you as i have about 30+ in containers that i germed in the perlite.....yes you can use molasses threw the whole cycle....i have found that 1 tbl spoon per gal the day or 2 befor a veg is great an 2 tbl spoons in flower....same thing a day or 2 befor a feed....also dont use it every feeding.....every other week will be fine....then when the flush at the end is on...use mol for 1 week then strait water for the last few days....also there has been a study done by some fantastic growers by the name of the 3lb that have done several studies into molasses an they have found that bubbling the water with molasses for 24-48 hours befor hand to actually increase the useablity of the molasses...hope this helps....peace az
edit...also when using r/o water the ppm count is at 0 while some tap waters are 400+ another reason for r/ want to give the plant what you want not whats in the public water...peace az
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