The hand test

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
So you're referring to my earlier post, which was a humorous post, BTW,and not even directed at you.However in my post which was directed at you,where the hell was I being sarcastic?SO you got a positive rep.It sure the hell wasn't for grow advice.:roll:
Hmmm ? fried hand's ? smells like sarcasm to me. BTW I got a +rep for stepping up to the plate and taking a hit for the team just now. Your good for business toots.


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna jack someone's thread to argue with your silly ass.
Yeah right, my browser is showing a full page of you doing just that. Like I said your good for the rep point business I won't be cringing in fear the next time you go medieval on my ass (or male sacs LOL)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sure it is.I'm sure you've got ALL of my posts up.I didn't get this rep because folks hate me, thanks.I don't want you to cringe in fear.I just want you to shut the fuck up.
Yeah right, my browser is showing a full page of you doing just that. Like I said your good for the rep point business I won't be cringing in fear the next time you go medieval on my ass (or male sacs LOL)


Well-Known Member
Goody for you.Got a problem, take it pms, or ignore me.It's a handy feature.I'm not gonna jack someone's thread to argue with your silly ass.
Well by the looks of it YOUR the one that is still sore from which ever thread your refering too since you are the one that started this fight. Just by your trying to say that your not gonna try to hi-jack someone else's thread shows your trying to push the guilt off of you. Not trying to be disrespectful or anything I dont have a problem with either of your guys personally. But Stoney you were the instigator this round. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
Sure it is.I'm sure you've got ALL of my posts up.I didn't get this rep because folks hate me, thanks.I don't want you to cringe in fear.I just want you to shut the fuck up.

Ok now i have a problem with you...... If you would of SHUT THE FUCK UP in the first place he would not have to shut the fuck up. So take your own advice for once will ya :roll:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Actually, no, I was just asking where he was from that he starts his season is August, and he started bitching, so yeah, I'm gonna respond.I didn't start shit.I just think he should give the right advice.Everyone knows ou don't germ under fucking lights.
Well by the looks of it YOUR the one that is still sore from which ever thread your refering too since you are the one that started this fight. Just by your trying to say that your not gonna try to hi-jack someone else's thread shows your trying to push the guilt off of you. Not trying to be disrespectful or anything I dont have a problem with either of your guys personally. But Stoney you were the instigator this round. :neutral:
Uh...who asked you?You guys just keep responding with jabs, and I'm supposed to sit here and let you?Got a problem?Same advice.Take it to pm's or ignore me.Kay?Thanks!
Ok now i have a problem with you...... If you would of SHUT THE FUCK UP in the first place he would not have to shut the fuck up. So take your own advice for once will ya :roll:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

Oh no looks like someone knows how to use google :roll: Isn't that stalking? Oh and Ummm who asked you to come into this thread and start some childish nonsense?
And yes me joining in makes me a child as well so no need to point that out like in other threads I dont mind becomming a hypocrite for the right reason. So what random babble are you gonna spit about me that you googled? Obviously thats the only way you can hold up in situations such as this so go ahead take your best shot :D

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
What?Hold up under a double team?Why does it take two of you to fight one of me?Jeff, fuck off, kay?Ignore me, whatever, or take it pms if you want.Real easy to do.And, I was just responding to him saying how he has all my posts up..which is frucking odd since nothing more recent than 10/28 comes up...he did admit to googling me, just returning the favor.
Oh no looks like someone knows how to use google :roll: Isn't that stalking? Oh and Ummm who asked you to come into this thread and start some childish nonsense?
And yes me joining in makes me a child as well so no need to point that out like in other threads I dont mind becomming a hypocrite for the right reason. So what random babble are you gonna spit about me that you googled? Obviously thats the only way you can hold up in situations such as this so go ahead take your best shot :D


Well-Known Member
Nope.Don't give a damn about you.Don't need sympathy.But really, let's take this to pm's, or be done.I'm tired of arguing.
If you were tired of arguing you would stop replying and let us say what we want till it dies down. If you dont have anything to say what can we say back? Your the one that started it, you can end it as easy as it started just by leaving the thread. :roll:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Because that's what you want me to do, give up so you can feel like you won.WTF?What kinda pussy has to gang up on someone to win?Let youSay what you want?Why?Don't like it when someone fights back?
If you were tired of arguing you would stop replying and let us say what we want till it dies down. If you dont have anything to say what can we say back? Your the one that started it, you can end it as easy as it started just by leaving the thread. :roll:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Right here, my dear.Since I looked at my posts that you can pull up here, and since I haven't felt the need to jump anyone's ass on here but recently, you had to google it to get it.Cuz it doesn't show anything past 10/28 on search.
Yeah right, my browser is showing a full page of you doing just that. Like I said your good for the rep point business I won't be cringing in fear the next time you go medieval on my ass (or male sacs LOL)


Well-Known Member
What?Hold up under a double team?Why does it take two of you to fight one of me?Jeff, fuck off, kay?Ignore me, whatever, or take it pms if you want.Real easy to do.And, I was just responding to him saying how he has all my posts up..which is frucking odd since nothing more recent than 10/28 comes up...he did admit to googling me, just returning the favor.
It dont take 2 people to fight someone like you lol Like I said at first I didn't have probs with either of you till you told him to shut the fuck up when your the one who opened your big mouth in the first place. Yeah yeah I know what your gonna say "I was just asking him w/e blah blah" But the way you phrased your questions in a "nice-nasty" fashion is more then abrasive. People are not stupid, just because we are online dont mean we cant actually "hear" what your saying you Botard.


Well-Known Member
Right here, my dear.Since I looked at my posts that you can pull up here, and since I haven't felt the need to jump anyone's ass on here but recently, you had to google it to get it.Cuz it doesn't show anything past 10/28 on search.
lmao he didn't admit to google you ass, your all in this thread running your botarded mouth. And he dont have to google he can check your profile on here to view your posts where you talk shit. But you know that you were just hoping he would miss that didn't ya?:roll: