THE GREAT FLUSH DEBATE!! whats ur vote


Well-Known Member
so spex has it timed out perfect and says he doesnt need to flush, this probably means his nutes run out at the very end, same difference, no nutes present at the end, right dude? think about it in simple terms, u want 0 nutes at the end, u can easily give it a flush or you can have it timed out perfect so the nute tank is empty at harvest day, but you dont want to feed it fertile water and go chop it because the shit is entering ur plant. and im not talking starving or over feeding im talking no nitrates in ur bud however u want accomplish it
yes i time perfectly i grow strains im familiar with specifically genos iv cloned time and time over if i need to flush i don't i use that sledgehammer stuff i linked and no the last time i ran out of nutes during a grow you were in diapers

like i said if you let it cure properly and allow the standard curing time the cells will break down when my trics turn just the right color after i see a gradual decrease in bud growth i stop feeding nutrients add a few sugar enhancers some super thrive(not really sure what it does) and ride it out


Well-Known Member
The calyx's don't store nutes, so the theory that it'll affect the way it burns and tastes is put the window on that one. I've tried flushing versus not flushing, only difference were the buds on the flushed plants did not develop as large as the others because they were deprived of food during a crucial period.

I suggest everyone who is able to do several side by sides, flushed versus not. The proof is in the pudding


Well-Known Member
I am in the middle of this test right now...
i have been in coco using hng nutes, cutting out feed for the last 2-3 wks and getting all yellow leaves for the last few years. And, very happy with the results.
This go around... i have two flowering rooms with 2 different strains. Half of each room will be fed until the end... half will be fed water for the last 2-3 weeks.

it's been a couple years since I fed nutes until the last few days... but by my memory... it makes a difference. not really in taste. But in the smoothness/harshness of the smoke.
If in fact I could feed them till the end and get better yields without harsh smoke i will definitely continue to do so.
If my memory serves me correctly though... harsher smoke, no effect in yields. Im in week 4 of flower right now, so it will be a little while. But ill report it for sure.

The thing about these side by sides though is it is hardly a controlled scientific experiment with checks on error. But, oh well.


Well-Known Member
The magnesium in the chlorophyl may cause harshness, so flushing may reduce the amount of chlorophyl due to starving the plant of nutrients, this may also be accomplished in other ways such as drowning the roots for the 10 days before harvest.


Active Member
I am in the middle of this test right now...
i have been in coco using hng nutes, cutting out feed for the last 2-3 wks and getting all yellow leaves for the last few years. And, very happy with the results.
This go around... i have two flowering rooms with 2 different strains. Half of each room will be fed until the end... half will be fed water for the last 2-3 weeks.

it's been a couple years since I fed nutes until the last few days... but by my memory... it makes a difference. not really in taste. But in the smoothness/harshness of the smoke.
If in fact I could feed them till the end and get better yields without harsh smoke i will definitely continue to do so.
If my memory serves me correctly though... harsher smoke, no effect in yields. Im in week 4 of flower right now, so it will be a little while. But ill report it for sure.

The thing about these side by sides though is it is hardly a controlled scientific experiment with checks on error. But, oh well.
i want to see how this turnes out.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Flushing seems to waste so much water.
I figure if it's yellow, let it mellow.
If it's brown, let it drown.

On a serious note, I have bought weed that had a funny taste to it near the end of the bowl.
Same taste each time and I swear it's left over nutes.


Thanks for the information everyone... My logical standpoint is this --- if you are asking the plant to use up used storage by flushing, isn't that just stressing the plant out and using energy elsewhere? Obviously, cutting down the nutes would be a wise idea but the plant should be focusing on buds, not starvation? We are pretty light on the nutes so far and I think we are still discussing what we will do when we get there. No set plan here yet.
Thanks again.


Active Member
tip for dude on superthrive, use it in the beginning but not the end. it make ornimental plants stick around longer, i use it it works well in the beginning but may cause the plant to take longer to flower, and is not an end product for weed, that is what ive seen reading about it


Well-Known Member
i've grown for awhile now and i have never pushed 2 or 3 times the amount of water through a pot to clear them of any buildup. i'm in soil.

i stop feeding about 10 to 14 days before harvest and just use water. everything burns and tastes great (after proper drying and curing of course).

would it be better if i flushed with a bunch of water? i don't know and i'm too lazy to find out. :)

i've read a lot, and it seems that the majority of people are pro flushing but i've seen nothing to indicate that it's needed if you stop feeding and just use water a few times.


Well-Known Member
Flushing seems to waste so much water.
I figure if it's yellow, let it mellow.
If it's brown, let it drown.
when i first went to N. california in 1972, they were having a drought. i was listening to radio and a commercial said "if it's yellow, be mellow. if it's brown, flush it down.

still makes me laugh.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I didn't read all of this. I'm a bit wary after getting yelled at for flushing when we had a completely different definition of flushing.

Obviously soil and coco are completely different.
Even coco and a flood tray are very different and require different nute ratios.
If you grow in hydroton, it would take thousands of gallons to flush as those little balls hold nutes.

Every time I am near picking, I accidentally knock a bud or two off the plants.
I cured them properly and they just didn't taste right. I don't know what it is and I don't care.
Maybe the stress makes it taste better to me.

There are also wildly varying opinions on what constitutes a flush. I have always thought 2 weeks of plain water was crazy.

I only grow coco inside now and have found that if I "flush" with a tiny bit of nutes the last 3-4 days, I like the results.

I don't know why that is and I do not care to find out.


Well-Known Member
i dont flush either in soil or coco....but the again i sell all mine so i dont give a shit how it tastes

Unlimited One

Active Member
In my opinion flushing is something to do depending on choice. I am just about to harvest my first girl in about 5 days, and have been "flushing" or at least what I think is flushing, since last week. Next grow I will experiment, Ill have one plant on nutes till the end and the other I will flush for 2 weeks before harvest. I am reluctant to do 3 weeks of straight H20 because it think 3 weeks without nutes will definitely have an impact on the development of the flower. By the way, what is the proper way to "flush" ? Is it just regular scheduled watering but with no nutes and h20 which is what ive been doing, or do you water more than usual?


Well-Known Member
to me flushing is sumtin to do if you get a sick plant

like a detok

is also sumtin to do if you are away get home check plants surprise right where you want it flush away bigtime (surprise finish)

otherwise i just stop feeding and go to molasses in place of food ror two weeks
dark for 2 days and chop in the AM i seek about 15 to 20 % Amber to warrent finish

gluck to all

I an I


Active Member
it doesnt take 2 weeks it takes 2-3 days if u use a lot of water, my plants dont starve, and they are not over fed, when i know i have just a few days left i flush, and still see massive bud growth as the plant uses its last resources and booms as they do at the end


Well-Known Member
from what iv seen people are getting confused by the meaning of flushing iv had way to much to drink so bear with me

the type of flushing we are talking about here is watering (when needed) with just plain water with the exception of enhancers or organic finishers (no chemical nutrients) the thing is within the last few weeks your girls are not gonna do a whole lot the nutes are gonna be wasted, are gonna sit, salt build up see where im going with this

your talking about flushing flushing as in holding your girls over the sink and drowing them to the point where there is nothing left thats wrong only in dire as in near death everything is yellow/brown about to die circumstances will you do that

as for the person that wants to kno what they are talking about....@donmagicjuan you kno the quote about assuming. everyone does (the one about you make a ass outta you yadda yadda) superthrive is good at any stage of plant life (including early development 1/16 right good job) superthrive contains a synthetic plant hormone called naphlantic acid increases the cellular reproduction and sugar intake so in the begging makes your plant stronger sugar is a key ingredient in photosynthesis twrds the end when your plants are going into die mode it makes your girls absorb the last little bit of sugars and buds seem to be sweeter imho


Well-Known Member
I flush with ice water ( no molassas either) for a little bit different reason. I subscribe to the theory that flushing with ice water shocks the plant into one last gasp of its life cycle and it pushes any last bit of energy it may have left right on up through it one last time.
Does it make a difference ? I really dont know, but I've been happy with the end product for the most part every time.


Active Member
I flush 3 days prior to pulling my girls with gallons of water equal to gallons of soil in hydro with 10% res. I could not imagine depriving them of food for the last two weeks. The last two weeks is the only time that the plant is producing high quantities of THC. It is crucial that the plant has nutrition. Just cut out nitrogen but keep feeding like 0-7-0 and 0-3-12.