The Flying Circus


Well-Known Member
im with jig,and would like to add,good lighting in the place you plan to take pics,will help a whole bunch..


Well-Known Member
ok so found an electronics recycling center at a university nearby got an old one for $20. so... chopped a few branches off a couple of my odessys that were leaning way in close to the bulb (finished early), here's a couple test bud shotsView attachment 2717667View attachment 2717668
the plants are pretty rough this time. i put in an auto drip set up with 2 diff strains and a bunch of plants that started @ different times lol. clearly one of my smarter moves =p


Well-Known Member
Haha, that stuff looks proper though :-) good job.

good deal on the camera too! Electronic recycling center eh? Good find!


Well-Known Member
yeah i had no idea it was there lol. it's in a ww2 wharehouse and they only let you in the front room but theres tons of stuff in back. looks like they got all sorts of old lab equipment in back =o. i'll deff be back.


Well-Known Member
Hey TC, remember when you said a week or so back that I should be eating in a few months? And I said I plan on eating for sure by the end of july? If someone said Id actually be eating something by the end of june (late sart) I would have called BS! Not so, Im about to go out and pick this squash thats ready for the tummy.... I had to come in and tell you lol okok water is running :peace:

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I was just turned on the fact that you can plant marigold's around your tomato plants to keep worms out of your tomatoes. I found this out while treating for a mass infestation.....there's more maters in the burn pile than have graced my plates. ...................:peace: cof


Well-Known Member
Fuk thats terrible cof, but thanks allot for the info, I'll def do it next year if I manage to swing it. I had em bad last year, no sign of them this year so far. Iv read many lists of companion plants that do well or bad together and why... Just another variable to consider before a really solid game plan is figured out. Iv busted out the pen and notebook in the past few days, literally drawing up plans for next year. This will take many many moons to figure out but once I get it,,,, thats what Im going for.


Well-Known Member
I can verify the marigold bit. My dad had a fuck ton of tomatoes and he always had marigolds around. I never asked him why, but it makes sense as I never saw worms at all. Bigger plans....rut


Well-Known Member
I bet that was a yummy squash based on the size and look of it in the pics! I pulled my onions up yesterday didn't try me yet though.


Well-Known Member
Half way done with catching up with the thread whodat .....everything lookin good .think ime going to.go with that Vicks soil on all the plants and do them proper with some tea the violators are in that mix but have not introduced the tea yet well besides the store bought tea the brew


Well-Known Member
I did a tea drench yesterday on my 3 girls and within hours they took on a glowing emerald hue.
Happens each time I do it, too.
They definitely love tea time.


Well-Known Member
I bet that was a yummy squash based on the size and look of it in the pics! I pulled my onions up yesterday didn't try me yet though.
lol, I was like "oh shit I dont even remember posting the picture"
Here you go~ Crookneck squash... Butternuts on the way still.


Half way done with catching up with the thread whodat .....everything lookin good .think ime going to.go with that Vicks soil on all the plants and do them proper with some tea the violators are in that mix but have not introduced the tea yet well besides the store bought tea the brew
So Im guessing its working out for you then eh? :-).... Tea once a week will really do allot for them.

I did a tea drench yesterday on my 3 girls and within hours they took on a glowing emerald hue.
Happens each time I do it, too.
They definitely love tea time.
Good to hear doobie! :-) Im going to brew a batch tuesday for the now usual humpday tea time, for the veggies... I made a drunken concoction a few days ago for the ladies.

On the marigolds,,, would be nice to have those to look at as well :-)


Well-Known Member
Good to hear :-)

I would like to suggest replacing the bone meal with fishbone meal and the blood meal with cotton seed meal (make sure it was grown organically and gmo free. Cotton has about the most pesticides and shit used on it) and or some high n guano. IMO it makes a higher quality flower.

Yesh it is more expensive but for me its worth it.

edit: this is where I get everything I need >>>
I almost regret posting it lol I dont want higher demand raising prices for me!!! IMO awesome bunch of people with amazing products at good prices. They really do seem to have the customer in mind.

editedit: and to top it all off you get free shipping in the US... Please stay around forever K4L!


Well-Known Member
Ya bassman showed me that along.with u recommending it ime prerty shure my local grow store got me for 8 bucks for a bag but I have enough for the next round ..and thanks for the suggestion on the switching up


Well-Known Member
Yeah I found out about it from bassman too! Thank you bass! wherever you are,,, dont be breaking mirrors and walking under ladders now! You DONT need that!


Well-Known Member
Guys I believe the marigold run more pest of than just worms. I have been thinking about putting them and some Basile in on my next flower run. Whodatnation I use kelp4less as well. They sent me a five percent off code when I ordered. I will be going with maxicrop for my kelp next time. I was at the gulf today and the beach was covers in brown kelp that looks like scowering pads. I will be collecting some for one of my compost piles. A little worried about contaminants or I would put it in all of them. I have eaten out of my garden as well. My wife said that it is getting huge. Tomatoe plants were over five ft tall last Sunday when I was home last. Looking good man.