The Eruption


Well-Known Member
This is dumb....thc doesnt break down in water easily. Thats why you can smoke a bong and get high, a bong filters out contaminats but not thc... THC breaks down in alcohol and fat. Try it with melted butter or grain alcohol in your mouth and then you may have something, but I still doubt it.


Well-Known Member
ugh... its not about the THC in the water i said tht might happen IDK its just a fun thing to do and watching the water slowly rise is trippy and relaxing, spit the water it dosnt matter


Well-Known Member
This is not even new, i think every stoner has tried this it does nothing but cool your throat and coats it b4 u inhale nice try though

Mary's Lover

Active Member
im about to go try it, but another fun game sere se play is the indian game! we roll a blunt take a hit and hold your breath until its get back around to you than let out try to play through the whole blunt or joint!!:mrgreen::blsmoke:
Yeah, we call that shotgun round my area. I tried eruption and while it is kinda cool, I don't think it is actually worth the effort. But it is cool to have things like that i guess.
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