The Elephant King tries to grow some Arjans Haze


Active Member
Sup everybody. Just thought Id post about my 3 little ladies I got flowering now for just under a week. They're feminised (im told :P) Arjans Haze #2, growing in organic potting soil under CFLs. Seem to be doing quite well too, though Im a mega noob so I dont know. :D In any case, the ladies are all over 8 inches tall now, and they are growing ferociously every day under these CFLs (200W Envirolight and a few 23Watt ones thrown in for good measure). Am trying to do it in the Buds for Less style (awesome book btw)

Got a question though, would it be weird to see pistils already at this stage. I cant be sure, and I dont have a pic to show u, but it looks like theres a few growing out of the very top of each plant. They're thinner than baby leaves, which made me think "pistils" but then Im an eternal optimist and it wouldnt be outta form for me to imagine it too.

Anyway, heres a few pics from last week, before flowering, and today, 6 days in. As you can see they really blasted up after I started 12/12. Lemme know what u think guys, comments/critiscism is genuinely welcome.


Edit: The first 2 pics are from last week, last 3 from today

