The Dudes Diesel Ryder Grow

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas to all. Couldn't think of a better time to celebrate.
Time to start grow #3. I will be growing the Dr.'s Diesel Ryders so if anyone is interested in autos, maybe we can help each other out.
Started soaking 21 seeds about 5 days ago. 17 germinated and all had good tap roots.
Planted 16 last night in 6" pots. Using 1/3 perlite + 2/3 homemade soil. Will be using a 250W MH for vegging when they pop out.
Should start to see them coming through tomorrow.

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
Perhaps I should have stated it, cause it obviously needed to be said.
If youve got nothing constructive to say, dont waste my fucking time and highjack the thread.



Active Member
Dude I'm pulling up a chair. I'm chopping my easy rider in a few days and am very interested in the auto d
Merry Xmas man

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
None of the seeds have sprouted yet. So here is a pic of my grow area. Its a stealth cab I built in the underside of a staircase. Painted wood walls over sound dampening rubber over R-30 insulation. Everything is caulked and sealed, basically silent outside of room. Approx 3' x 3' x 3.5' h.
2 speed intake and exhaust fans are located behind removable wall (notice the 4" inlet by the circ. fan.)

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
#9 is out ans showing baby leaves. I can see the root curled and about to break the surface on another 10.
Installed some extra side lighting. (4) 23w 2300k CFL's.


Well-Known Member
AHHHH...a diesel ryder grow! Just harvested my two along with a lowlife lemon skunk...gotta love those's a pic of how it's gonna look....enjoy.DR12-19.jpg

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
Nice purple color on that DR Oldreefer. That one looks like my 2nd grow. All the seeds Im using now came from her. Cant wait to have them all going.
What day did you harvest? Weight?


Well-Known Member
I harvested 1st week of Dec....dried for about 10 days...Yeild on my two DR avg'ed 17g....curing right now and is some stanky dank.....A test of a nug was very smooth & tasty with some good "mind shake".....

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
Quick update:
All 16 have sprouted and are about 1" tall.
They were last watered 5 days ago but should last another day or 2 cause my temps are at 65-75 and 40-50% RH.


Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
Its been almost a week since watering. Gonna water tonight most likely.
The soil I am using is organic and has no nutes so I may add a small bit of Grow Big to a 2 gallon container and feed them just a taste.

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
Watered this morning. Just gave them a taste of Grow Big.
This new organic soil is very different from Ocean Forest. It only took 1.5g to water all 16 of them. It must have excellent drainage compared to the o.f.
All are doing well, about an inch tall or so.
To keep it easy, this will be day 2. Should be ready in mid march.
I will post a pic up alter today.


Well-Known Member
bring on the pics dude!i love the autos from the DR.feck flash;low yields,3" tall plants.not worth my time.

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
Well I got some bad news. I pullled the plug on the grow cause they just werent growing quick enough.
I tried something different this go round and used some organic soil from a local place instead of the tried and true ocean forest. (what I used last time)
I didnt think there would be that much of a difference but hey, the dude was wrong. At day 6 they had barely even grown an inch. The first set of leaves never really grew since a few days back.
Dont worry. Im heading down to the hydro store tomorrow and picking up some more ocean forest. I still got a plenty of beans.
To be continued.....