The Drunk Thread!

Steve French

Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning and decided I wasn't sated, decided upon making it a bender. So I had a nice walk to the liquor store this morning, got me a few cans of vitamin p.


Well-Known Member
Dudes. Finally dragged myself out bed for a double and some phenbarbitol. I found an empty bottle absynthe on the floor in my room. Did I drink a whole bottle of absynthe? Last thing I remember I almost swallowed my pascifier, dancing. Im not a mess. Oh gods, I drunktexted my ex a dick pic.......-facepalm-


Well-Known Member
So, my buddy was telling this cool story, thought i'd share: He was telling me about how he was trapped at the airport a week ago on the way out to Ratty's Riot Wrong, and ended up in the Airport Bar. He met this this 49 year old widow, and wound up getting a Handy J under a blanket during the flight. Pretty fucking cool.


Well-Known Member
Shut the fuck up.. If you guys were real drunks you'd be at the bar.........posers. I need to borrow some money from you.

I'm finally detoxing....sweating something fierce. Someone should lick me and get high.


Well-Known Member
I'll take a toungfull, Pin. Can I buy you a drink first though?
I'm gonna pour me another cider. And have a slug of Bushmills to ease it down.