The Drunk Thread!


Well-Known Member
Same old, man. Not getting any better, still smoking a pack and a half a day.. Nothing I can really do about it at this point, seems like he's chosen his own path, no point in tearing myself up about it, he's a grown man..

He'll be 57 this Dec. I doubt he'll see 60.

-You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to rainman36 again.
Be their for him,never look at it like it's over,bcuz anything can happpen from here on out,be positive,and just except whatever happends,my heart go's out to him,hopefully he gets better other than worst.


Active Member

I'm getting drunk, what you up to?
Is this English? :D

Have you ever tried Captain Morgan's Private Stock with orange juice? It is probably one of my favorite drinks. Let me know what you think if you ever give it a go! You can thank me later ;) Also if you like quality beer I recommend the Unibroue line of beers.


Active Member
ya'll folks best not be talkn' bad bout them southern states like that ya hear?! lol
might end up wit ya dick in da dirt.. lmao


Well-Known Member
Ok i finally post in this 1 cus im.actually drunk. I just got hm from my boys bday party and im on a good 1. Juet put the wifey down and im spinninn . I know i had some goose and 1800 then i went to remy black but i had 5 mixers after thta and i dunno wtf was in them. Add on i dont know how many blunts and 3 brownies and yea im fucked up


Active Member
I am stilla aw ake from yesterday lol, Been on amix of EverClear and Slushpuppy ....and Superlemnon Haze FUCKED DONt come close :) lol. -Ztelthet :LEAF:


Well-Known Member
Is a pint too much (Vodka 40%)? I'm 6'2" around 195lbs

One pint and I'm good and drunk, I stumble a bit as I walk around, usually don't have a problem reading or typing (sometimes I do), and get reeeally fuckin' sleepy pretty quick after that, after an hour of not drinking anymore I'm usually ready to pass the hell out. Sometimes I black out and can't remember cooking something the next day, and I usually never remember brushing my teeth, but I'm sure I do it because the stuff is in a different spot than it was the night before..

I'm kinda new at drinking, maybe a year on and off. I haven't smoked in almost 90 days.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
In case you couldn't tell from the random posting from a guy who rarely posts, I'm drunk again. First time in a few weeks. It's good to be washted.