THE Definitive Recipe For TINCTURE!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I've made this stuff before with my own method but this is how I'm doing it from now on. Courtesy of VICS (and the download links are active):

VICS Cannamist/Tincture Recipe
and Instructions on How to Convert THCA Into THC

A tincture is an alcohol-base solution of a non-volatile medicine (in this case cannabis). In this case alcohol is not only the solvent used to separate cannabinoids from the plant matter, it is what makes this type of application (particularly in fine-mist form) more bio-available and therefore effective.
In whole-plant cannabis, THC content is expressed as THCA (tetrahydrocannabolic acid) prior to decarboxilation into THC, which takes place when cannabis is heated during cooking, and smoked or vaporized ingestion. THCA is a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory but does not have good affinity with our CB1 receptors, so in order to make a THC-rich tincture that has many of the same therapeutic effects as smoked ingestion (including rapid absorption, quick relief and ease of self-titration), we must convert the THCA in the plant matter into THC prior to extracting it through an alcohol soak.
Converted cannabis
Alcohol (50% is preferred, but 40% vodka works just fine)
Organic mint
Organic honey
Large mason jar, x 2
Cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve

Dry heat conversion of THCA into THC:
  • Preheat oven to 325°F (160°C) exactly (use an oven thermometer to be sure).
  • Spread cannabis leaf or bud in a thin, 1 inch (2.5 cm) layer on a clean cookie sheet.
  • Put in the oven until the first of smoke or 5 minutes, whichever is first, remove, and transfer to glass or ceramic container to cool.

Tincture/Cannamist Recipe:

  • Pack a mason jar loosely but completely with converted cannabis product.
  • Add alcohol until the jar is full.
  • Seal, shake and put in a dark, cool place.
  • After week 1, strain mixture through cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve and add to another mason jar packed with converted cannabis and a few sprigs of fresh organic mint.
  • After week 2, strain mixture through cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve into mason jar.
  • Add organic honey to taste.
  • Shake/mix and then decant into bottles fitted with fine mist spray tops.


Initial Dosage: Spray two times on the inside of the cheek, and wait 30 seconds before swallowing. Wait ten minutes and if desired effect has not been reached, repeat on the opposite cheek. Wait ten minutes, and repeat until desired effect is achieved. Dosage will vary between users, but should remain fairly constant once established.

Effect will last for between 1-2 hours. Repeat use as needed.

If you feel dizzy or disoriented, immediately discontinue use. Do not operate heavy machinery or drive during use of this product.


Well-Known Member
Pretty good recipee, but I recommend a lower temp to cook the herb at, like 175-200 for a good 15-20 min. Also, if you can, get a much higher proof alcohol, like 90%. Everclear works great. I use 90% alcohol lemon extract for taste. In a pinch you can use bacardi 151.
I do a ticture 2 times a week, in smaller scale so I have a constant supply of it. I am sure the above will work just fine, just letting you all know my expereinces with the higher temps....


Well-Known Member
Pretty good recipee, but I recommend a lower temp to cook the herb at, like 175-200 for a good 15-20 min. Also, if you can, get a much higher proof alcohol, like 90%. Everclear works great. I use 90% alcohol lemon extract for taste. In a pinch you can use bacardi 151.
I do a ticture 2 times a week, in smaller scale so I have a constant supply of it. I am sure the above will work just fine, just letting you all know my expereinces with the higher temps....
so bake it about 185˚ for about 15 min???


Well-Known Member
yeah, at that temp, you can bake it for hours and not have to worry about losing any thc. But yeah, I bake it until it is nice and crispy.
The above method definately works, you just really have to use a good quantity of herb, and make sure you don't over cook it from fear of vaporizing....
All you are doing is getting rid of the water, this process removes a carbon bond from the THC, allowing it to be active.
When we smoke pot, the flame is doing this for us almost instantly. But we want to do it now without losing the thc as well.
Again, I am not shooting down the above process, I just prefer the slower method out of fear I may lose too much thc....


Active Member
Where do you get 90% alcohol lemon extract? I've never seen or heard of it before.


Well-Known Member
Now when it says to strain and add to another jar, is that jar full or new buds or the same ones?

Also how much bud total is recommended and how much does it make?


Well-Known Member
leave tyhe alcohol to evaporate out and youll have hash oil...

also when ya mix it with vodka or absinth its actually a drink called GREEN DRAGON.

this is the method for alcohol extraction of hash oil, but instead of evaporating it your just using something thats safe enough to ingest and drinking it strait up :)

NOTE if you dry it out you will get dark green/blacky/brown looking oil, not honey oil


Well-Known Member
leave tyhe alcohole to evaporate out and youll have hash oil...

also when ya mix it with vodka or absinth its actually a drink called GREEN DRAGON.

this is the method for alcohol extraction of hash oil, but instead of evaporating it your just using something thats safe enough to ingest and drinking it strait up :)

NOTE if you dry it out you will get dark green/blacky/brown looking oil, not honey oil

That's why I always water cure some of my product. Makes for a much cleaner oil. It is black due to the chlorophyl and stuff. A water cure takes away almost everything but THC from the plant. So when you do an extration, you get a much cleaner final product.


Well-Known Member
Slightly green still, but noticeable cleaner. Not quite honey oil. I guess in between honey oil and regular alcohol ectract oil...


Well-Known Member
strain into a clean jar... It can take as much bud as you want it to really. If you put an ounce in 26 onces of liquor, then you will have a gram per shot... It is a simple calculation....

I do 2 grams per 2 oz of alcohol. I then evap 1/2 the alcohol, so I have 2 grams in one oz of liquor.


Well-Known Member
deff will try. it would probally be a good additive to some tea,u could walk around wit ice tea in a bottle or at work and get baked with out smokin:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
How do you evaporate the alcohol out of the jars? Just leave the lids off after the second week? I used everclear and want to evaporate alot of the alcohol out so its mostly the hash oil. When is it ready to test?


Well-Known Member
leave the lids off, put em in the sun or use an electric stove..

putting a pan of water on to heat up and sitting the jar in it will speed up the evaporation process.

you can also use a microwave but this isnt for the faint of heart lol... and providing it doesnt spark lol.

id recommend using an lectric stove :)