"The Claw" due to overwatering.


I've over watered my ak48 a bit and was wondering if the clawing of the leaves would go away in a few days.

430 HPS
temps are in the mid 80's
RH is 30/40%
plant is three weeks old and I've just switched to the hps from a mh for flowering and a 12/12 cycle.

growing in a garden soil and perlite mix
aww man...well at least I didn't kill it. Hopefully there will be enough new growth to cover it up and clawed leaves will eventually die. I love healthy looking plants.


Active Member
Get used to ugly ducklings. It is a harvestable crop that goes through countless changes. Aesthetics are fun and all, but don't spend much energy worrying about 'looks'.. so you have some claw.. everything goes well in a few weeks those old leaves wil be the LAST thing on your mind..

Whatever that is worth.. it aint a houseplant or the cover of High Times.. once you get past the 'it isn't perfect' stage, you can do great things.


Well-Known Member
for the record your profile name alarms me to thinking your a piece of shit, please clarify


Well-Known Member
for the record your profile name alarms me to thinking your a piece of shit, please clarify
Alarm? Kinda strong for just a name no?

You should just be fortunate he's one Taliban who prefers to grow an AK48 than wield an AK47. ;-)


Active Member
Put it back to veg !

Don't start flowering until you can replace the damaged leaf ( new growth )

I never start flowering unless they look " right ".

It's not going to just die though...unless you keep over watering.


Well-Known Member
damage is done, i will bet money this plant will die. start over. sorry bro
are you guys on crack? the plant is fine! clawing is usually a sign that your ph is out of wack! problem number 2...get the plant into a bigger pot asap! keep your ph right, dont over water or over nute and she be just fine! your getting horrible advice! good luck!