The Big 40


Totally 100% legal medical garden. I wave at the choppers when they fly over.
I think Imma have to move where you are... I would absolutely be loving life if I could be that obvious with my garden. With medical gardens that large weed must be abundant where you are from.. People have to be taking major advantage of this.. man thats awesome.


Well-Known Member
Yea, gardens like this are everywhere around's very common. They(the cops) have plenty of 1000 plant grows to mess with to keep them busy.


Active Member
ahhhh looking great dude! :D nice size, and they look really healthy! next summer my goal is to go for some giants lol
+rep sick shit
*when it lets me rep... the site is messed up and wont show the rep when i click it :S ill get to it.


Even though its legal where you are, are rippers still a problem just the same? Or does everyone just grow there own shit?


Well-Known Member
rippers are a big problem around here for sure. You just have to keep the people that know about it to a minimum, and guard it the last few weeks. I have a camper right on the grow with my buddie living in it now. More people get ripped after they harvest, or while they're trimming it.


Well-Known Member
What an awesome garden you have, Wheezer.... I'm wondering what kind of nutes I should go to next year, after using MG this first time of outdoor growing for me. I read your comments about MG and although my garden is small, I want to produce the best I can.


Well-Known Member
Yea, MG is just not for MMJ. If you want the best meds possible, organics are the way to go.
Thank you wheezer, this has inspired me to go organic. I have been making my own tea mix and wow i'm stoked. I am gonna try some fatties this coming season. Good luck with the harvest. More Pics hahaha


Well-Known Member
I've passed through here before. Thanks for your kind words in my thread. I like your grow and set up. Keep up the great work, and a happy harvest to you :)


Active Member
holy about trees...nice job for organic.
cant wait to see what the harvest looks like.
im sub'd...and + rep


Active Member
how do you take care of bugs on all those plants? do you never get caterpillars or spidermites or somthing? that would suck to have to pick caterpillars off those things.


Well-Known Member
YEA, I only have a few catterpillars, because I sprayed a foliar tea all through veg. The worms that we see mostly that do most of the damage are oak worms, that the moths lay there eggs in. The last row, closest to the oak trees, are the only ones with any worms at all. Next year, I'm gonna nuke the woods on that 1 side with BT every 2weeks all the way through the grow, and I'll bet I won't get 1. Spider mites aren't usually a big problem outside, and if you start with them clean, they usually stay that way. I have no mites on that grow. I have 1 plant at my house that has a few, but no big deal.