The best growing setup using 2-3 plants


Well-Known Member
If I were to use 3 plants, since I am in Florida the laws are rediculous and a low plant count is an absolute must.

I could do a perpetual grow with 3 plants and get 10 oz yield per plant. 1 mother, 1 flowering, 1 veg. While the flowering plant flowers, I veg the veg plant and put that in when the flowering one is cut. Then take a clone to replace the vegetive one. Once I get tired of the strain I can flower the UBER-mother and get a HUUUUGE yield to say byebye to the strain.

if I were to use 2 plants, how could I get the same yield?

Two vegitive plants: 1 mother, 1 to-be-flowered. Vegetive for 9 weeks under CO2/T5, flower 1, continue to veg mother for the entire flowering period then take a clone and flower the mother. Veg the clone for the mother's flowering period, then flower the clone and move onto the next strain.
