The Best Evidence to Date of Life After Death. Afterlife Investigations Scole Experim


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The Best Evidence to Date of Life After Death. Afterlife Investigations: The Scole Experiments


Just say Jesus Save me, get baptized, turn from your sin.. Spend eternity in Heaven forever


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"Due to the large number of investigators and sitters involved, the number and consistency of paranormal episodes observed during the seances, and the lack of any finding of fraud, many believers often point to the Scole Experiment as the best scientific evidence that spirits do survive in the afterlife, and can and do come back and interact with the living, demonstrating an impressive array of conjuring powers."

"Unfortunately, the Scole Experiment was tainted by profound investigative failings. In short, the investigators imposed little or no controls or restrictions upon the mediums, and at the same time, agreed to all of the restrictions imposed by the mediums. The mediums were in control of the seances, not the investigators. What the Scole Report authors describe as a scientific investigation of the phenomena, was in fact (by any reasonable interpretation of the scientific method) hampered by a set of rules which explicitly prevented any scientific investigation of the phenomena."

"If I go to Penn & Teller's magic show to look for evidence of deception, but I impose the rule that I have to stay in my seat and watch the show as presented, and I'm not allowed to go onstage and examine the performers or the equipment, or watch from behind, or observe the preparations, I guarantee you that I also will find no evidence of deception."

"A third red flag is the fact that there's been no followup. If amazing phenomena truly did happen at the Scole Experiment, it would have changed the world. Mainstream psychologists and other academics would have gotten in on it, it would have made worldwide headlines, and it would be repeated in labs everywhere and become mainstream science. They did have the opportunity: experimental psychologist and author Richard Wiseman provided secure envelopes for the film rolls to the experimenters, within which film always failed to be exposed. Rather than coming away impressed and spreading the word, Wiseman summed it up to me in six words: "It was a load of rubbish!"

"This same principle explains why we don't see articles from the Proceedings of the SPR, like the Scole Report, republished in scientific journals. A scientific investigation of a strange phenomenon assumes the null hypothesis unless the phenomenon can be proven to exist. But the authors of the Scole Report, with complete credulity, did the exact opposite: Their stated position is that the lack of disproof means their seances were real supernatural events. But a primary feature of good research is the elimination of other possible explanations, at which the Scole investigators made no competent effort. Many of the investigators expressed that they were not very convinced by what they witnessed, and it is to the credit of the Scole Report authors that they fairly reported this. But this raises the question: Why then write such a lengthy and credulous report, making such obvious conclusions that these phenomena were real? The lesson to take away from the Scole Experiment is a simple one. Although we all have preconceived notions, we have to put them aside and follow the evidence when we investigate."


Well-Known Member

"Due to the large number of investigators and sitters involved, the number and consistency of paranormal episodes observed during the seances, and the lack of any finding of fraud, many believers often point to the Scole Experiment as the best scientific evidence that spirits do survive in the afterlife, and can and do come back and interact with the living, demonstrating an impressive array of conjuring powers."

"Unfortunately, the Scole Experiment was tainted by profound investigative failings. In short, the investigators imposed little or no controls or restrictions upon the mediums, and at the same time, agreed to all of the restrictions imposed by the mediums. The mediums were in control of the seances, not the investigators. What the Scole Report authors describe as a scientific investigation of the phenomena, was in fact (by any reasonable interpretation of the scientific method) hampered by a set of rules which explicitly prevented any scientific investigation of the phenomena."

"If I go to Penn & Teller's magic show to look for evidence of deception, but I impose the rule that I have to stay in my seat and watch the show as presented, and I'm not allowed to go onstage and examine the performers or the equipment, or watch from behind, or observe the preparations, I guarantee you that I also will find no evidence of deception."

"A third red flag is the fact that there's been no followup. If amazing phenomena truly did happen at the Scole Experiment, it would have changed the world. Mainstream psychologists and other academics would have gotten in on it, it would have made worldwide headlines, and it would be repeated in labs everywhere and become mainstream science. They did have the opportunity: experimental psychologist and author Richard Wiseman provided secure envelopes for the film rolls to the experimenters, within which film always failed to be exposed. Rather than coming away impressed and spreading the word, Wiseman summed it up to me in six words: "It was a load of rubbish!"

"This same principle explains why we don't see articles from the Proceedings of the SPR, like the Scole Report, republished in scientific journals. A scientific investigation of a strange phenomenon assumes the null hypothesis unless the phenomenon can be proven to exist. But the authors of the Scole Report, with complete credulity, did the exact opposite: Their stated position is that the lack of disproof means their seances were real supernatural events. But a primary feature of good research is the elimination of other possible explanations, at which the Scole investigators made no competent effort. Many of the investigators expressed that they were not very convinced by what they witnessed, and it is to the credit of the Scole Report authors that they fairly reported this. But this raises the question: Why then write such a lengthy and credulous report, making such obvious conclusions that these phenomena were real? The lesson to take away from the Scole Experiment is a simple one. Although we all have preconceived notions, we have to put them aside and follow the evidence when we investigate."
There were several instances where the researchers had unopened film canisters still in the box that had writings, photographs, and even an invention for communicating with the dead inscribed by Thomas Edison


Well-Known Member
Your skeptics report does nothing in any way to explain these occurrences.
Perhaps because the Scole report did nothing in any way to establish these occurrences in the first place. And btw if you follow the link it does go into some detail about the individual claims.

The best evidence for the afterlife turns out to be indistinguishable from carnival side show tricks.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Perhaps because the Scole report did nothing in any way to establish these occurrences in the first place. And btw if you follow the link it does go into some detail about the individual claims.

The best evidence for the afterlife turns out to be indistinguishable from carnival side show tricks.
I would have to agree with Heisenberg.


Well-Known Member
A report should be a substantiable source for documented information,one that contains objective sources that are in fact credible and not unexplained heresay testaments as to the origins of events noted therein,the scole report has no real established line of credibility to it,as it leaves much room for interpretation as much of it is of a subjective base.Sorry to say,but with due respect Oldgrowth it is actualy a worthless report.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
A report should be a substantiable source for documented information,one that contains objective sources that are in fact credible and not unexplained heresay testaments as to the origins of events noted therein,the scole report has no real established line of credibility to it,as it leaves much room for interpretation as much of it is of a subjective base.Sorry to say,but with due respect Oldgrowth it is actualy a worthless report.
I would also have to agree with my friend Dis here, you make a valid point.


Well-Known Member
I personally watched this video with due skepticism, and found parts of it to be credible. I don't see any way of faking some of the images found on the unopened film canisters.


Well-Known Member
I would like to believe it to OG to be totaly honest I would,,but when the evidence fails to properly support the claim I do not just simply believe it,I do not carry that luxury of faith in it that you do.


Well-Known Member
I personally watched this video with due skepticism, and found parts of it to be credible. I don't see any way of faking some of the images found on the unopened film canisters.
I've watched Penn & Teller catch .357 magnum bullets in their mouth over a dozen times and even though I am privy to many different methods of trickery for similar stunts, I still do not see any way they can fake it. I guess they really do shoot live ammo at each other...

Your inability to figure out the method of a conjurer or medium (many of which use conjurer's tricks and vice versa), makes your opinion on the matter completely worthless. You bring neither hard evidence or even first hand or expert testimony. You are in fact relying on the recollections of others.


Well-Known Member
You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.
You can lead skeptics to bullshit, but that won't make them believe...

I personally watched this video with due skepticism, and found parts of it to be credible. I don't see any way of faking some of the images found on the unopened film canisters.
How could you watch with due skepticism? That would require you to suspend your bias and belief in christianity, an ability you haven't demonstrated so far. In this world of Photoshop and avatar-like CGI, and you can't see any way of faking simple images?
Folks, the most compelling example of the mind surviving physical death are veridical near death experiences where a person leaves the body during a point in time when they are flatlined and their brain doesn't register any activity at all on the charts.The most documented veridical nde was that of Pam Reynolds.
Also there are documented cases of blind people having veridical Nde's , some being blind at birth.

meechz 024

Active Member
We are a soul working with a body much like how the nucleus works with a cell. In our bodies, all cells work together to allow us to function properly.
The idea on earth is, that we are all nuclei (minds), with our own cells (or bodies) and we must work together to allow Earth to function properly. If we do not, then we destroy earth.

Much like how our cells can destroy us....hence cancer.
It's the same concept, just on a larger scale.
Think about it.


I have been clinically dead twice in my life-there were no lights,vioces...there was nothing.There is no life after death-period.At least not in the way many believe.What people are experiancing is their brain dying and the last nuerons flickering out.As to mean to say-scam..scam..scam.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've been dead before, too. It was not at all noteworthy. Then I came to. That is always nice. Every morning it happens to me. But, I didn't even have a dream. Just nothing. I came around yelling Help Help! I was strapped to a gurney. I remember that.

It's funny when we look at these videos or whatever, attend the séances, over the generations this happens. Back to the Egyptians and before. We want so bad to find IT.

But, IT is right Now, right Here. We don't need to die to find IT. Who know then? We can Know Now.