the baby grower


Active Member
now that i have my seedlings growing should the soil be kinda dry or mostly wet? I have pics of them on my profile.


Well-Known Member
Not enuff info on your grow, but if you use nutes to soon that can happen. Give us a little more info on what you do once they are in the soil like lights,watering. nutes and so forth.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
After germination, I plant the seed tap root down in a mixture of 1/2 Sunshine mix #1 and 1/2 perlite. The key is to use a medium with no nutrition added in it. The other key is not to over water or let the seedling dry out. The perlite helps to make the medium more light, airy and fluffy. It is easier for the roots to move around. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Little Tommy has that right also lights on for 18 hrs off 6 hrs a small fan and add nutes at half strength after they are a month old. Also using fluorescents keep plant about 3'' from lights. Good luck


Well-Known Member
from exp...get more light closer to the plants. if they stretch they could get to tall and fall over undder there own weight


Well-Known Member
Your edit didn't really help but went to your picture and I never start a seed in a five gallon bucket. Start in something much,much smaller and let it get a good root system going then transplant it to your larger pot. And you need to get some better lighting. From your pic we can't tell what you have but I know it's not going to be enough for a plant in that large of a pot. When your plant gets older it will need much more light.