The 12/12 from rooted clones thread


Well-Known Member
U should nt have to wait long bro 12/12 starts on wednesday mornin after alot of huming and aring lol so it ll b 5 days they been potted up by then not exactly 12/12 from rooted clones i know but it would of been a waste of good cocco and nutes without those precious days so its all good hears hoping everythin runs sweet from hear till the new year!!


Well-Known Member
Hey peeps just to let u know my girls are officially in flower sorted timers out last night so they go off at 6 45 and back on at 18 45!! All had roots pokin from bottom as i wish so hopefully there is a nice root structure to support a decent yeild they had 5 days of continues light so i cant see why it should nt ill grab some pics for u guys later tonight


Tell you what cheddar,you did well getting 30 cuttings mate. Im thinking of growing some mothers and having my own. People i know want £8 per cheese cutting !


Well-Known Member
Lookin good cheddar.

Sorry haven't been updating much. Super busy.

Ill try to get some pics up tmrw night after work.


Well-Known Member
Weekly update
Ok 8 days into flower and things are lookin super the first sign of pistals were monday and they have really took off since then my nute mix is as follows!!
Canna a b 20ml
rhizotonic 12ml every other feed till the end of this week
multizyme 6ml every other feed till the end !!
Boost ill wait another week or so till there ready!
I was in my favourite shop the other day and i was tempted to purchase a truncheon but thought fuck it why bother lol i ve been without 1 since i started so why bother with it now i think it was just out of curiousity tbh but hell with it so just got wot i needed and left btw growwell have a offer on boost and many other things atm £180 for 5litres of boost so check there site if u need anythin u might b able to get u a bargain !!
Pics to follow