THC vs Cannabinoids


Active Member
Not really knowing what I am talking about I will persist. After watching a BBC program; "Should I smoke pot" or something like that. I started thinking about the relationship between Tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabinoids. The only reason I am bringing this up is because at the end of the documentrary the woman who was being filmed did a two say test. The first day she was injected with a high conentration of THC, this was not fun according to her. She was parinoid and just uncomfortable to say the least, not a good high. The second day the injection was high in connabinoid concentration. This fucked her up. It looked like she was having a good time and was really stoned. After going through scientific explainations on wikipedia about THC and Cannabinoid I realized that I was getting nowhere. So, what say you?


Well-Known Member
spend some more time watchin shit - you will see the boichemists and many other minds explain why its just not the same , it works together as a crude mixture
why have them battle out like the bloods n crips - puprple is the way to be :D


Well-Known Member
The cannabinoids impact the memory system and are tied into the receptors that cause you to experience emotion. Cannabinoids do a lot we don't know about because the gov't doesn't fund research beyond a certain point. But there are several chemicals at work in cannabinoids so the mixture of the two will creat the high characteristic. i.e Sativa vs. Indica. THC affects the adrenal system (fight or flight, rapid heart beat, panic attacks etc...) So it can cause a lot if intensity but not the most desireable high. The adrenal system is also tied in to the memory network where fearful memories tied to trauma are kept closer to the adrenal system should the need arise to activate fight or flight. So sometimes too much THC can activate paranoia or fear kept near that sytem.
Hope that helps. Thats some of the more recent research with cannabis and also neurological regions and their purpose to the brain and the expressions or symptoms associated.


Well-Known Member
hahaha - yeh i wonder how many delexic stoners have tried to legalise cannabils!?

I luckily got my indoor bible by the wonderful jorge bk the other day - within ten pages he breaks down on the chemical makeup , im not plagueruising and pastin what hes sed- but i will recommend reading it ( also i dont have any idea how to get the scientific symbols ) cannabiniods, all 40+ found of em include at least 2 forms of thc and cannabidiol ( or CBD cheers del ! ) - without goin on much more heres a small extract . . .

^9 THC the main ingredient that gets you high , is called ^9- transtetrahyrocannabinol. All cannabis has , hemp on a micro level in comparrison to the flowered - and it is this part beleived to be the most psychoactive.
^8THC is found in very low cocentrations , it also gets you high , but theres so little in most plans peopel focus on the more abundent form , making it easier to reffer ro it all as thc.
Cannabidiol , known as CBD also appears in in virtually all verieties of cannabis. The amount of CBD varies enormously, from a trace to more than 95% of all cannabinoids present in the plant.
CBD generally has a sedative effect regarding the high you experience. CBD , when combined with THC tends to postpone the beginning of the high, but, the good part is the CBD can make it last twice as long.


Active Member
Hum, we are starting to get some good stuff started here, I hope some of you guys keep on this with me because there is a theory that I am toying with. Obviously it has to do with the relationship between THC and cannabinoids. Cr8z13 was close but I dont think that thc is a cannabinoid. In the article it says that thc and cannabinoids are structurally related but that means squat. But back to the point of my theory. It seems that the cannabinoid to thc relationship has an obvious effect on the type of high a person gets. The theoretical amounts of one to the other could be why one strain of cannabis is "more potient" than the other or provides a different high. I'll be doing some research.


Well-Known Member
ive been researching for 26 years.......................................oh sorry i mean ive been smoking for 26 years....nearly the same lol


New Member
2.2 Cannabinoids and the High​
The marijuana high is a complex experience. It involves a wide range of psychical, physical, and emotional responses. The high is a subjective experience based in the individual - one's personality, mood, disposition, and experience with the drug. Given the person, the intensity of the high depends primarily on the amount of THC present in the marijuana. Delta-9 THC is the main ingredient of marijuana and must be present in sufficient quantities for a good marijuana high. People who smoke grass that has very little cannabinoids other then delta-9 THC usually report that the high is very intense. Most people will get high from a joint having delta-9 THC of .5 percent concentration to material. Grass having a THC concentration of three percent would be considered excellent quality by anyone's standards. In this book, for brevity, we use potency to mean the sum effects of the cannabinoids and the overall high induced.
Marijuana (plant material) is sometimes rated more potent that the content of delta-9 THC alone would suggest. It also elicits qualitatively different highs. The reasons for this have not been sorted out. Few clinical studies with known combinations of several cannabinoids have been undertaken with human subjects. This field is still in its infancy. So far, different highs and possibly higher potency seem to be due to the interaction of delta-9 THC and other cannabinoids (THCV,CBD,CBN, and possibly CBC). Except for THCV, in the pure form, these other cannabinoids do not have much psychoactivity.
Another possibility for higher potency is that homologues of delta-9 THC with longer side chains at C-3 (and higher activity) might be found in certain marijuana varieties. Compounds with longer side chains have been mode in laboratories and their activity is sometimes much higher, with estimates over 500 times that of natural delta-9 THC (55,113,191). Compounds besides THCV with shorter chains (methyl (139) and butyl (118)) in this position have been found in small amounts in some marijuana samples, indicating that variations do exist. However, this is not a very likely explanation. More likely, THCV is more prevalent in marijuana than supposed and probably had additive or synergistic effects with delta-9 THC.
The possibility that there are non-cannabinoids that are psychoactive or interacting with the cannabinoids has not been investigated in detail. Non-cannabinoids with biological activity have been isolated from the plants, but only in very small quantities (181). None are known to be psychotomimetic. However, they may contribute to the overall experience in non-mental ways, such as the stimulation of the appetite.
Different blends of cannabinoids account for high of different qualities. The intensity of the high depends primarily on the amount of delta-9 THC present and on the method of ingestion. A complex drug such as marijuana affects the mind and body in many ways. Sorting out what accounts for what response can become quite complex. The methodology to isolate and test the different cannabinoids now exists. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is funding research on the pharmacology of marijuana. However, such research is paltry, considering that over 30 million people in the United States use the crude drug. Much more research is needed before definite understanding of the cannabinoids and the high is attained.
When the legal restriction are removed, marijuana will probably be sold by particular blends of cannabinoids and standard amounts of delta-9 THC. Synthetic marijuana will probably be made with homologues of delta-9 THC that have much higher activity than the natural form. For now, without access to a lab, you must be satisfied with your own smoking evaluation (for research purposes only), ultimately the most important criterion any way.


Active Member
I should have read cr8z13's link, hey I was stoned. But yea to the point. On the documentary Should I smoke Dope ,Nicki ,the subject
is injected with the pure THC(or almost) and then the cannabinoid blend. So based on that and what some of you guys have posted is that although
not essential to getting high these other compounds(cannabinoids) do affect the type of high you will get? Is that why different strains
do different things? And even specifically the species?