THC Vape Juice Recipe


Well-Known Member
Not claiming to be an expert but I am really happy with today's results.

ISO oil. Mixed it with a fair amount of everclear. Set in a dish (ramekin) inside of an open crock pot. Let about half the alcohol evaporate out, added my PG, mixed well, kept on warm a few hours mixing occasionally, added a bit of mixed berry store bought juice, mixed and let go another hour.

It seems to be holding, no clumping, went great into my vape, yummy, and efficient.


Well-Known Member
I took a dab and scanned through the thread titles and thought this said THC Rape juice. Thought I would share. Well, see ya.


Well-Known Member
Vaping always has a mellower or different high in my opinion. Even when using my big ole herb vaporizor. This mix though is better than my past attempts.

I use medicinally for middle of the night insomnia (in addition to be being a stoner). Told the docs I refused to take ambien or xanax or any of that crap that fucks with you. Low and behold old faithful worked. In any case, vape juice now works for that and no more xhaling through Tp in the middle of the night to keep the smell down. And for those plane trips coming up...yeah baby!

One thing I noticed when I quit cigs and went totally to the vape - I can now smell my pipe in my jeans pocket, my car, etc. So no more perpetual pipe in the pocket wherever i go and I consider myself lucky for never having been popped. So vape juice for on the go.

My hope would be to perfect and go vape altogether. I haven't found a small pen or anything that works for me using dry herb. But this does seem to be holding up and effective. I would say a hit of it is about 50% the impact of a pipe hit. But it vapes and tastes great and works well in my cheapo tanks with $3 atomizers without clogging, clumping, or appearing like anything but normal juice should anyone with a badge give a close look.


Well-Known Member
Ambiens would be nice I bet, but i refuse to take pharmaceuticals too..been tryn to quit cigs for a while and would like to vape more, but just really enjoy smoking


Well-Known Member
With my last couple packs of cigs, I went down to two a day. One in morning and one before bed, vaping freely inbetween. Then it was simple to quit the last two per day.

I have recommended to others to cut out one cig per day. In a month, you will be down to none. i knew i was in good shape the first few times i made through a night of drinking without having a cig...


Active Member
i switched to vaping instead of smoking cigs about a month ago and im really happy i did.

i also make my e cannabis juice w qwiso and pg usp. ive used both decarbed and not decarbed oil and im still not sure which i like best. i feel that the non decarbed is a bit more 'rushy' but the decarbed has better medicinal qualities. next time i make juice maybe ill mix a little of both.

never thought of adding flavor nic juices either. does it help cut down on the smell at all?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. Mine doesn't really smell, well not the vape anyway. But I was puffing on a mix of my strawberry nicotine mix with my thc juice with a group on non potheads and no one had a clue. If I was switching out my tank every hour to take a few puffs of thc juice the back to the nic, that would seem more odd :-)

I made a batch last week and used about half pg anf half vg to get better vape. it is separating a bit more and I think VG destroys atomizers faster. Anyone else experience that? But, I added the vg first and am thinking the pg may have been wiser. So. i am trying that today.

I am actually finding myself preferring my vape juice over my pipe and excited to start turning the stockpile of ball jars into something less space consuming!

BTW - Johnson Creek smoke juices are my favorites. The. vanda and merango are wonderful. I mix half flavor with half one of the base tobacco flavors.


Active Member
five pawns queenside and gambit are my fav nic juices. i just put in an order for some darkest day, suicide bunny, and space jama robo fuel so im excited about those.

i feel like when i vape in my car i can smell the qwiso juice but thats prob cause of the enclosed space. ill have to see what non-smokers think when i vapre around them


Well-Known Member
I've always ran into problems with vg.

pg and oil mix pretty well in my experiences.

when I try to blend vg flavors, they tend to not work all that well. Separation occurs