That Sweet smell of CFL


Whats good RIU.. new here. I come with a small grow; wanted it, keeping it small. The Last Pic is first night of 12/12 Taken Sunday Night!
Enjoy!! Comments..

Oh Yea and can you say budget city? haaaaaaaaaaaaa



lol i just HOPE my one large container won't cause me any problems because itd be almost impossible to transplant these things...

I know its too early to tell.. but im lookin for like 3-4 grams dry per plant. Pumped to see whos' female outa this bunch.


Nice grow bro. I havent started yet but I should have it up and running at least half a** but running. I would have used some thing else for dividing them that isn't cardboard since that does decay and get moldy over time and has chemicles in it that could harm your plants.


ah card board was the only resource i had when putting them into the tub.. so it stays for now.

Lights are around 8 inches from tops of plants: Too far for flower? Too close for flower?

Watering Every Other day: Thinking this may too much also.


- CFLs should be about 2 inches from the tops 3 inches at most
- Only water when the top inch of the soil is dry
- Have a fan blowing on the plants to make their stock stronger
- Use 2,700K lights for flowering and not the 6,500K lights


Well-Known Member
I would move the lights a lil closer.. Mine are about 3-4 inches and doing good ending my first grow with cfls. Looks good!


Tomorrow, since the ladies are in dark now, I will lower the fixture thanks for the info everyone.

Toolage: Does it matter how big the tub is when measuring when to water?
(measuring one inch in a smaller pot VS measuring one inch in the TUB i have them in now)

Seems like id need to measure more than one inch in a tub this size.


Well-Known Member

Toolage: Does it matter how big the tub is when measuring when to water?
(measuring one inch in a smaller pot VS measuring one inch in the TUB i have them in now)

Seems like id need to measure more than one inch in a tub this size.[/QUOTE]

nope its the same no matter what they are in lookin good tho


Tomorrow, since the ladies are in dark now, I will lower the fixture thanks for the info everyone.

Toolage: Does it matter how big the tub is when measuring when to water?
(measuring one inch in a smaller pot VS measuring one inch in the TUB i have them in now)

Seems like id need to measure more than one inch in a tub this size.
if you have a spot that you know there is no roots try to go maybe half way down to get a better idea


Active Member
You get better light output if you have ur CFL's horizontal.. The sides give off more light than the tops of the spiral.. But looking good brah =D


Saturday 10/10/2009.. they were switched to 12/12; Saturday being the first 12 hour day.

And Magik.. thank you for the advise but i'm working with hanging sockets and splitters ha. If there are any close to free solutions i'm all ears.


You get better light output if you have ur CFL's horizontal.. The sides give off more light than the tops of the spiral.. But looking good brah =D
Truely said if you can get your hands on some 96% reflective mylar and either cardboard or wood and build a reflective hood kinda like the ones for HPS and MH and have the CLFs mounded horizontal to cover more area and use most of what the CLF gives off:leaf:


RIU would laugh if i had a picture of the full fixture i got going on.. but heres a snap.

Dryer Duct shapped to a hood with separate cords suspending it from the suspending Socket cords.
$10.00 12" fan directed to cool lights and make plants happy too.
