TGA's Professor Chaos


Well-Known Member
Ocan's got yet another New gig

Professor Chaos=Mad Scientist x JTR
and b4 you ask

Mad Scientist=Medicine Woman x Sweet Tooth
Medicine Woman=Dynamite x G13 x Hash Plant

Lets get it on

Gonna have to keep popping back to see How these Ladies turn out, very interested in the PC from TGA...and once its out in the wild(Released) I will be grabbing some...Will Grow and let my Partner be my Guinea Pig..LOL! IF this is good/Helps with Narcolepsy I will be sure to Post my findings..

Nice Grow ocanabis, bet they looking lovely now? Did you Top/F.I.M. em?



Well-Known Member
I got a chance to smoke some professor chaos at the cup. TC handed me a bong with a packed bowl while I was waiting for seeds and change. I didn't like the taste too much. Man was that shit potent. It got me stupid high.


Well-Known Member
The girls are chugging along nicely. I was gifted with 3 gals and 2 boys. Grown in Super Soil
The aroma's emanating from them is slightly Lemony but with a sweet candy smell. Resin looks top notch at this point

