TGA TimeWreck Coiled Stem


Hey weed nerds,

Newbie grower here, 3rd run, 2nd TGA (first was Plushberry - so easy to grow and get DANK!)

Just wondering if any Weed Nerds have ever had to coil up their seedlings in the first couple days of veg? After germing and planting , I think I may not have put my bean in deep enough because I ended up having a really stretchy seedling that would fall over and it looked like it wouldnt make it heh. So I kind of coiled up the seedling in the dirt until just the body of the plant (the leaves) would be up above the dirt so it wouldnt be flopping over.

After awhile this is what I ended up with. hehe as you can see from the pics this Timewreck is pretty vigorous considering the fact that Im only using LED's and going as organic as I can, (im in a part of the world without many DIY gardening stores so making SS is not easy) Just using good organic soil with mycorrizae, worm castings, azomite, and some local versions of bud candy, and some sucanat. (used Co2 on the plush but havent so far on this because of my budget.) Topped 3 times, Vegged for bout 6 weeks, supercropped, LST'd, and transplanted from a 1 gallon to about a 5 gallon. Its on week 5 of flower as of these pics.

Anyways the point im asking about is do you guys think that because I basically twisted/coiled the stem so early it made a stronger root system so its basically made it grow so well? I know im not gnna get donkey sized colas but never had this many colas hehe. Thinking about whether i should do this on every run

Thanks fellow nerds!


Thanks Bud, that means a lot comin from you, Loving your garden man! oh yea I also had to use wires to hold the main stem together as it has split apart a little while I was tying the main colas down hehe


Active Member
I currently have a plant do a 360 at the base... side by side it isn't much bigger than the rest, but the roots that the coil pushed out just beneath it are INSANE. I think you're just honing in on our growing skills, and have produced a beautiful lady with special thanks to sub for his genetics :D. I love the structure of the timewreck, similar to the vortex's octopus arms.

Could you do a side by side with this coiling technique as opposed to just burying the stem as low as possible?


Well-Known Member
yeah, definately bro.....pretty common bonzai technique......and canna is a perfect candidate.....almost loves bondage in a freaky way...


thx nugs, gnna try my hand at mainlining on my next run, and gotta practice pruning more , thanks for putting up so much great info in your lab hehe

you an Hovering should make a thread called Hovering Nugs hehe i just like the sound of it but what a wealth of information it would be ! ;-)