Texas Growers Unite!


Active Member
Hello Texans! The state legislature is considering a med mj bill in the next session! we must call/write/email the state reps to make sure its put in session!!! do your part so we can continue in our endeavors without the fear of a felony charge!!!!!!!

Love.Peace and Chicken Grease!!!!
yo bro how do we do so...?? bongsmilie


Active Member
with all these big grow ops they are busting in austin thats going to leave a big void.
Yeah bro i fill ya on that and do you really think that will kick us in the ass if it was even considered ? I think this if they do most of the people smoking weed will just go to dispensaries instead of dealers in fear like always just hit up da DR. get a card just like Cali. locals will probably stop growing or continue just for personal instead of Dealing and getting caught. I have dreamed of the day TX considers Med MJ i would love to own one work at one maybe even grow for one. If really considered I will make sure everyone that i kno, knew, hell i will meet new people and talk to them about this and make it happen i think people should really consider voting i havent before but when its somethin you are really devoted to then why the hell not i wont lie I LOVE WEED the best weed all i think about well most of the time is weed. And I love Austin i will always rep TX ya Digg but really if it isn't legalized for Medical use soon i will really consider moving i always told myself i wouldn't leave but when its ok one plance and not another then wtf? I was at work today and was lol not working and reading news and saw the new FED. MED.Policy and Oakland leting MED. MJ riders fly wit no more than 8oz.
So everyone sign up and vote. bongsmilie

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
No bro it was a hard thing to turn down but let me kno exactly how it is. I kno theres bands playin local head shops selling and free pizza but can u smoke there? I kno is on 6th and probably really hard to do so but let me kno how it is maybe next year... sad to say :-? but low on bread so just gonna have my own smokeout at home.bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

Shit it was koo cuz ...we went kinda late but man I smoked a joint maybe others did and consumed it in other ways but go next yeAr for surebongsmilie:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Active Member
yeah i herd sometime next year texas is voting on medical/tax/legalize but i cant find a link anywhere stating this , i saw it on a site showing the current states that have medical and the states that are voting next year. its intresting though i had a conversation with someone who was not pro mj and she was saying that Texas was going to be the last state to ever vote yes because yeah the citys like Austin and SA and el paso want it , but besides them everyone else is liberal and doesn't want those damn pot heads taking over our land. i suppose this could be true but at the same time you have to think about the (legal) votes who make a large chunk of change of the illegal distribution of mj and would rather have it illegal so they can keep the money flow. its interesting i doubt Texas will turn down the possible tax's it would get off this though.


Active Member
yeah i herd sometime next year texas is voting on medical/tax/legalize but i cant find a link anywhere stating this , i saw it on a site showing the current states that have medical and the states that are voting next year. its intresting though i had a conversation with someone who was not pro mj and she was saying that Texas was going to be the last state to ever vote yes because yeah the citys like Austin and SA and el paso want it , but besides them everyone else is liberal and doesn't want those damn pot heads taking over our land. i suppose this could be true but at the same time you have to think about the (legal) votes who make a large chunk of change of the illegal distribution of mj and would rather have it illegal so they can keep the money flow. its interesting i doubt Texas will turn down the possible tax's it would get off this though.
Yeah iv heard the same thing that we will be one of the last states knowing that really sucks bongsmilie


Hey every body,

Have you heard the news Obama is not focusing efforts on prosecuting medical marijuana users. The only good thing he has done for this country so far.
I would like every body to help me to take action in getting Texas Legislation to pass the medical marijuana bill.

This link will show you how to take action. You have several options

This link is a prewritten letter to Texas Legislators
Remember you forward this to your friends and family or anybody you know who will support it.


Active Member
Hey every body,

Have you heard the news Obama is not focusing efforts on prosecuting medical marijuana users. The only good thing he has done for this country so far.
I would like every body to help me to take action in getting Texas Legislation to pass the medical marijuana bill.

This link will show you how to take action. You have several options

This link is a prewritten letter to Texas Legislators
Remember you forward this to your friends and family or anybody you know who will support it.
Did it and think every one else should to!!bongsmilie


Active Member
"A bill has been introduced that would allow seriously ill patients to raise a medical necessity defense to charges of possessing marijuana for medical use. This legislation was introduced during the 2007 legislative session, however, despite the fact that a 2004 poll showed 75% of Texans support medical marijuana, the bill died in committee"

i wonder if this is a true statistic or a poll on the internet. interesting none the less.


Well-Known Member
"A bill has been introduced that would allow seriously ill patients to raise a medical necessity defense to charges of possessing marijuana for medical use. This legislation was introduced during the 2007 legislative session, however, despite the fact that a 2004 poll showed 75% of Texans support medical marijuana, the bill died in committee"

i wonder if this is a true statistic or a poll on the internet. interesting none the less.
I doubt that poll is accurate, most definitely voluntary poll bias (people who do the poll prob smoke and support it). If it's true that 75% support it then awesome, I don't think Texas is quite there yet though...:neutral: once these old farts get out of our government, maybe, i give it 5-10 more years
Well guys I got the damn cord for my camera so here it is, it's not much but keep in mind these are all mom's and going in 55 gallon trash cans in a couple months the smaller pots are the comrade x blue 11 with three different pheno's two very indica and one seems to be more sativa two are for sure females already showing sex, and the other indica pheno is not showing sex yet, hoping for a male, for my breeding project.

and the bigger 7 gallon pots are all cuts from the larger Jack Herer mom,

first I will show yall my tomatoes in my off season

so it's tried and trued!


The Milfs (my moms)


Indica Pheno Comrade x blue 11


Dutch (afghan skunk) Euro Bagseed "not mexican"


Jack Herer 3 weeks since rooted clone


Another room shot


HPS only stays on for 16 hours a day for veg but the CLFS stay on for 24


A Kings dinner Fried catfish, elk lion, home made hush puppies and some local grown green beans


New jack herer cuts in the cloning tray


My albino pit (cain) and american bull dog (dozer)


Hope yall enjoy I will post every week so keep posted
To comment a bit more on my setup, this is my veg room, in the closet I have 6-4ft shop lights i think are 43 watts each with both red and blue spectrum bulbs for rooting, I can fit 4 clone trays under that set up ( roughly 120 clones) But I have switched to rooting in larger pots instead of rapid rooters because, They seem to have less stress and quicker root mass they are half gallon pots which they stay in that for the first month from cutting, but I can only fit 28 of those under the rooting area, no problem. I use city water but distilled for 48 hours then ph'ed to 5.6. with just super thrive, I start to add nutes about a week after roots, 1 teaspoon per gallon of fish emlusion by Alaska 5-1-1 O,M,R,I listed organics, You can buy this at Lowes and some Home depots though I suggest this is the only nutes other then super thrive I ever buy from a local store thats not hydro shop. But this stuff works great I've been using it for years with great results they also make flower nutes that are 0-10-10 that is also organic here is a link because I give these guys credit for a low price quality organics ( http://www.planetnatural.com/site/xdpy/sb/Alaska Fish Fertilizer )

My soil is mainly Botanicare compressed coco bale (perth) , and thick coco (crutons) , perlite, pro-mix peat and organic kitchen compost, organic cow manure compost. and the bottom three two four inches are filled thick coco for bottom feeding and hydroponics, and later on I will start topping my mix off cedar shavings to avoid gnats.

Now i have three seperate rooms not including rooting closet, one for veg two for flower, the veg room is the biggest just to hold a ample amount of mothers and newly cloned plants and male plants ( which will be in there own little cabinet) in the veg room I have 8 - 2 bulb 4ft shop lights ( 16 bulbs ) 1 600 lumantic hps/mh ballast and two 400 MH ballasts ( which are not being used currently, now I haven't bought the lights for the flower rooms yet but I will be using 2-1000 hps/mh ballast for both flower rooms both on flip flops which are so you only have to buy 2 ballast to work as four, when one flower room turns off the power is switched to either flower room, if that makes since. Im not using hoods just hanging bulbs not concern for heat because both room will have window units, and I plan on going to Co2 in a couple of months when I can afford it, just for the flower rooms. I will the ceilings for reflectors because I will use 2 mm ploy shield, until I can afford parabolic reflectors ( http://www.planetnatural.com/cgi-bin/planetnatural/parabolic-reflector )

Now Im trying to go for a bi-weekly harvest, one room will be for the first 4 weeks ( 1 light will be for week 2 the other light will be for week 4) now thats the early flower room the other room will for week 6 and week 8 , of course the plants wont move just the order their in, with the week 8 being the flush table. It just takes time to setup.

Now I will be using 5-7 gallon pots in a kiddie pool for each light with two month old vegged plants when entering flower, so these will be pretty large plants. I am aiming for 1 pound for every 2 weeks, regardless if I don't make that number it will still be great. Just say if I do hit that number let me break down the math real quick, one pound is worth 7300 so in one month that is 14600, in one year that is $175,200.00 in ten years that is 1,752,000.00. but on the one year scale, lets say I will make hash out of half of that so thats 87,600, and then I will smoke a 1/4 of that so thats 43,800 then I will lose half of that ( due to being stoned) so that puts me at 21,900 then I will give away all of that leaving me with 0000.00 so needless to say I don't sell marijuana or make any profit off it and these numbers are not real and just a dream, so if you a cop please do not bust down my door thinking your going to have a huge bust, because it's not like that. And the twist that I live in texas but grow is southern Califorina which I hold a legit state issued medical license to produce legal marijuana to four of my patients and I am completely full of shit and you would only find some Japanese maple ( good bloods) and some tomatoes and shit like that .......