Texas Growers Unite!


Active Member
yeah but 90s fill like 80s we had almost 2 hole months with 100 degree wather so 90s fill way better and no damn rain.
yea central texas area is in a severe drought not a good time to have bud growing outside winter time it gets to cold for the plants too last year we had snow not alot but still too cold to grow temps easily drop below 55 degrees


Active Member
fuck yeah summer to damn hot im like a night owl or a bat i only come out at night. And winter is cold some times to damn cold i like fall i can sit outside and smoke all day!


Active Member
fuck yeah summer to damn hot im like a night owl or a bat i only come out at night. And winter is cold some times to damn cold i like fall i can sit outside and smoke all day!
yea this summer was pretty hot record breaking hot i like winter better doesnt get to cold i stay in colorado for awhile and it gets cold there so im not complaing

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
someone posted a thread this morning about a raid done south of dallas in the rice? area two lots about 1,400 plants each anyone know anything


Active Member
robert nice pic of the geco i had a outside grow when i was a teen and went outside to smoke a J and saw a geco went for my cam but the little shit ran off. Nice!


Well-Known Member
Texas is always HOT come on guys. That didnt stop me and you from growing, my ladys out side are budding nicely. Its going to be nice come hunting season. Im a stoned deer hunter, nothing better sitting in my stand smoking a big J of my own, Then dropping a big buck.


Well-Known Member
bummer dude i bet it will get you high but to dry( cure) it right it will take 2-3 weeks, good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
enjoy the fruits of your labor. sorry to here you half to give it up. As for me never just plant me in the ground with my bud. lol but dont for get to water lol


Well-Known Member
y the fuck do u have to quit smoking? might as well stop livin, lovin, and learnin... sounds like a sad existense to me.


Well-Known Member
so no one knos a strain that will do good particuly in our climate?
yea im growing a bagseed right now outside thats budding and is fine.. and my weather has been the same high 90s all summer.
i just wana kno wat strain would be a good one to get for next season


Active Member
hell yeah iv always wanted to buy my own land and put out a greenhouse and grow but laws all in everyone bizz. if your quite about it you might get away wit it till someone talks.


Well-Known Member
so no one knos a strain that will do good particuly in our climate?
yea im growing a bagseed right now outside thats budding and is fine.. and my weather has been the same high 90s all summer.
i just wana kno wat strain would be a good one to get for next season
All of em:dunce: never had one that didn't do well.