Texas debate over how to teach evolution


Well-Known Member
A battle is brewing in Texas that could change the nation's science textbooks and the way evolution is taught in school.

I think they should teach evolution's strengths and weaknesses. That way, creationists, intelligent design people, and religious nuts can see how evolution overcomes the weakness by the massive amount of evidence in favor of it. Or at least their kids can and will catch up with the rest of us.

Then another religious stronghold will be removed and people will go on like nothing happened while continuing to believe in a god.

Religion always takes a back seat to science. Science keeps debunking myth after myth that only a half century ago were deemed to be "works of god," "miracles," and freak occurrences. Even the Greeks debunked their own gods by eventually scaling Mt. Olympus. Eventually god was moved to sky, now his is all around us. It is a pattern that shows religious beliefs will always be explained by science eventually. Humans use "god" to explain away what cannot yet be explained.