Tested meds


Well-Known Member
So when you send/give a sample to one of those labs that test the, cbd, cbn etc. what are those %'s of? ive only begun to research as i am in need of a lab myself, but of the few i found test an 1/8. is the % based of the weight of product? or how else measure a more persice dose of you specific cannabinoid?


Well-Known Member
not sure the answer to your question, but newbie central does not seem like the best place for an answer about this. advanced cultivation, perhaps.

i bet most of us test the old fashioned way, using our bongs.

edit: i would love to get mine tested for everything just to see what shows up. my friend who had his tested tells me that tobacco/nicotine will show up in the buds if you smoke around them.


Well-Known Member
lol of course i did the bong test first hahaha passed with fling colors!!

it cant be more than 100-200$ not realy trippin just to see some numbers and %'s

oh and i dont know how to move threads. i was also not realy wanting to put it in noob central, but usually any question i have i get the smart folks here to help. thanks guys!!


Well-Known Member
Damn NorCal...you bumped up the operation to the point where you're gonna need to get bud tested? Nicely done, my friend, nicely done... :clap:


Well-Known Member
thanks bro! yeah i think im getting there i owe most of it to the strain itself and the awsome dude whom i rescued the clones from.

still com in up here meta? im off tuesday n thursdays. may be able to kick it on other days but you will have to let me know. my scedual and work hrs are crazy as a security guard, its hard to keep an off work life that matches normal peoples hrs. bong testing all day!!! <- UB


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if I came up, it would be on a Tuesday most likely! BTW, I gotta talk to you about that strain...

But yeah, Tuesday the 25th of this month, or maybe Monday night...do you work nights? If not, we could party on Monday nght if we're up there since you're off tuesday.


Well-Known Member
nope i work tonight 10pm-6am. so tuesday im good to get down round 5-6pm (after nap) and dont work again till wed at 10 so i can stay up tues decently late

uhoh we gota talk bot it huh is it in trouble? your not mad just disappointed lol


Well-Known Member
Haha...yeah bro! lol...On a completely unrelated note ;) I'm on a hunt for a couple mothers. But yeah, I'm driving up the coast monday, probably head back home wednesday at some point, so I'll hit you up with details as it gets closer...