Test for purity in silicone containers (safe/unsafe? Discuss?)


Active Member
this is a repost from r/cannabis extracts that I think needs to be shared throughout the community.

Apparently there is a way to test silicone to see which are actually "platinum cured" and which are full of BULLSHIT.
post below: (copied from reddit) Original post here

A few posters on this sub have raised the issue...they get called trolls, or are accused of working for Oil Slick (because Oil Slick wont use fda grade silicone). I spent the past few hours researching the FACTS and here are my findings...with links.

First of all, this isnt just an issue with Concentrate containers. "bloom" and other smells/flavors from FDA food grade silicone have been a topic of discussion since silicone bakeware hit the culinary scene 8-9 years ago. Lots of articles, lots of data and a very simple test are readily available to anyone willing to do the research.

[this article](http://foodbabe.com/2013/10/22/sillyputty/) discusses the various preservatives and fillers ALLOWED BY THE FDA to be inside food grade silicone. they include Formaldehyde, which albertamafeuse mentions on another thread in this sub ...before he/she is attacked as a "troll"
The article continues on to cover how the FDA actually allows dimethylpentasiloxane to be added to OUR FOOD AND DRINK. And how those practices are not legal in Europe.

As a matter of fact FDA silicone is not allowed in the EU at all. The European standard is called LFGB and allows for no fillers of any kind.

[here is a link to the NY Times](http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/10/dining/10sili.html?pagewanted=all)

Detailing the simple test to see if there are cheap fillers added to silicone.
>The better silicone products cost more than the glass or metal ones they replace. Some of them are worth it. But beware: not all silicone is created equal. To reduce costs, some manufacturers add fillers to the product. Luckily there is a simple way to tell: pinch and twist a flat surface on the item. If white shows through, the product contains filler. Pure silicone does not change color when twisted.

I went ahead ad tried this on my Stok platinum cured, Oil Slick, HBI, and nogoo "platinum cured"

I feel like an asshole because I only buy "platinum cured" but have been taking their word for it.
Only the Oil Slick stays the same no matter how hard you pull/twist /pinch. Gotta assume they are the only ones telling the truth.

the nogoo was the absolute WORST you dont even need to push before you see the white appear.

Finally, when I spoke with Oil Slick about this issue (they patched me through to a materials engineer that works there) he mentioned the "bloom" issue. This is the dust that comes out onto the surface of the silicone. [heres a picture of Bloom on an ice cube tray](http://imgur.com/AlHo7yJ)

and [here is an article by Dow Chemichal](http://www.dowcorning.com/content/publishedlit/52-1077-01.pdf)
that discussed in depth the differences between Peroxide cured and Platinum cured Silicone.

Its a long one so heres a few takeaways:
>As mentioned above, residuals in peroxide-cured
elastomers and tubing translate into potential
extractables which are not present in platinum-catalyzed materials.

So there you have it.
1)Platinum cured silicone=NO EXTRACTABLES OR FILLERS
2)Fillers for silicone include some terrible shit
3)there is an easy test to see if there are fillers....and not all the companies saying they are platinum cured...are telling the truth.

Ok haters...hate.


Well-Known Member
I don't really post much these days.. To repetitive..

Silicone should never come into contact with the solvents or the finished purged product.. don't matter what kind of silicone.

As to what containers to use, something you can scrape should be obvious.. Hard, non porous. I prefer ceramics.. Glass..

Also once the hash oil migrates through the silicone, the container stays sticky, dirty and disgusting. Takes some time though....Silicone vape wands are the worst

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Lip balm jars that's a great idea.
I always keep my home stashes in a small baby food jar but for traveling I used the small oil slick containers. Time to buy some lip balm


Well-Known Member
Good information, Thank you. I like glass for bulk storage. City Market/Kroger has 4" pyrex containers with a lid. Reasonably priced, a couple ounces of shatter is about 1/2" deep in the bottom. Being glass, a razor works well for getting that last dab.