Tent Vs Circulation Vs Co2


Hello Ladies n Gents: This is my first post; thanks for any and all advice. My setup will run a 4x4x7 tent; 1000w + (5) hand picked ladies. Before I get there, I am looking for advice on proper air circulation. If I am looking to keep the tent sealed, for minimal loss of light, I obviously need Co2 supplementation right? I have planned for that. Herein lies my 'noviceness'. How do I keep the tent sealed, and get good external airflow and keep my Co2 ppm up?
I am familiar with active circulation systems. I have a 6' CAN Fan; should I use that from the 'getgo' or is there a better way for active circulation. Key word: familiar! I don't know everything about proper circ. advice is welcome. Thanks !!