

Active Member
I´ve planted 15 white widow seeds im my wardrobe (=1 square metre) and got 3 lamps (LOW energy lamps) so how high above the 3 plants, that got up and are aboute 5 cm now, should the lamp be? and what temperature is right? I heard that 25-28 deg celcius is about right but its more like 29-30 :wall: . but if I put in the 2 small fans I´ve got, it feels like its colder, more like 24, but the thermometer shows still 29-30. What should I do? And how much water should I give em? Dry before watering again or not? :?:


Active Member
Tempratures fine... i would worry about that yo much... although white widow takes up a lot of space.. so your gunna have to put the plants into its flowering stage after they grow to be a bout a 1ft high.. as for watering.. just push you finger about 1/4 of the way into the growing medium at the corner of the pot... if it feels a little dry... give it some water.. make sure you got the right ph level and nutriant level though.. do this every other day and you'l be fine.



Well-Known Member
there are 2 different ways that I test to water.

When im lazy or can't move any of the plants, i grab one of those water meters and carefully put it into the soil and it tells me right away what I need to do, they are $6 at walmart.

If you have the space just lift the pot up, you will easily be able to tell the difference between a pot that is full of water and a pot that needs watering, this is also good to move your plants around give them different lighting etc.

gl happy growing :leaf: