Temperature consistency.


Well-Known Member
So I understand that RH in the area of 60-62% is ideal. My question is if a consistent temperature is better for curing from hanging to burping and finally storing with boveda packs? I am hang drying in an attic and the temperature fluctuates about 20 degrees daily (75F-55F). Would it be wise to move to a more controlled area where the temperature stays consistently at 72F? Any words of wisdom from the pros would be much appreciated.

My full curing process involves 1 week of hang time (or until stems bend but not break) then brown bag burping and finally boveda packs in mason jars or CV vault for a minimum of 2 months. Thanks all. Chief those nugs!!


Well-Known Member
Well yes, ideally having a humidor would be great but also costly. I hang my girls after chopping for up to 20 days in a wide open room before trimming, no air flow no fans. The slower the dry the better.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the input. Do you have an idea what the RH is in the room you are referring to? Or even the dimensions and volume of herb drying in the area would be interesting information to me.