Temp dropping to 35


Tomorrow night is going to be really cold where i live. The temperature is suppose to drop down around 35, what should i do? All my plants are in the ground out in the woods and there still not very big. Can they take it????


Active Member
Tomorrow night is going to be really cold where i live. The temperature is suppose to drop down around 35, what should i do? All my plants are in the ground out in the woods and there still not very big. Can they take it????
I've heard that its actually good for plants go through a light frost or 2 because it tells the mother winter is coming and she tries to squeeze out every drop o' thc... i say leave em


im not sure if i should cover them or leave them now. it might get colder then what i said, now people are saying it might get into the 20s tonight....

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
cover them, i've never grown outdoors but you don't want little plants getting frosty they'll die
i have 19 beauties out and we had frost a week ago and i covered mine with toilet paper. got down to 29 degrees and they looked as if it was 70 degrees at night. no damage at all, and they look fantastic!


Well-Known Member
yeah shades it sucks i just moved my plants outside 2 nights ago. im just going to risk it if they die they die. i just wonder where this global warming they keep talking about is i never in my life seen freezing temps in june before its fucking ridiculous

grow space

Well-Known Member
wtf dudes-covering with a cardboard box-that shit isnt good enough.if the frost continue build a little greenhouse over them.


Well-Known Member
i live in the same area as the guy who made this thread. i went out and checked on my plants today and they are all wilted and yellow and brown since yesterday and it wasnt even nearly as cold last night as its going to be tonight. i just brought them back in my house and put them back under my light. 2 look saveable but one looks like fuckin garbage, probly wont make it.


mine are all wilted a little bit but they still have there color, theres one that looks a little worse than the rest but it looks like it might make it if we get a little bit of sun


Well-Known Member
Yeah we had frosts last night and its gonna freeze tonight. Luckily only my tomatoes plants were outside cause they got fucked big time. I knew they were fucked when I went out and my dogs water dish had an inch of ice in it.

Worst spring in a LONG time.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Yeah we had frosts last night and its gonna freeze tonight. Luckily only my tomatoes plants were outside cause they got fucked big time. I knew they were fucked when I went out and my dogs water dish had an inch of ice in it.

Worst spring in a LONG time.
yeah, it's been a cool, wet spring here too and still chilly!!!!