Tell your story of the trip ull never forget

Whooooooo so this was my trip..
one night me and my mates went out and got a 50. anyways they smoked before me and got high, i came later and had about 5-6 cones straight one after the other in under 15 minutes. i then had 2 puffs of a pipe that we had going around.
so this was my trip.
i was talking and it felt like no body could hear me and i was in my own world talking to myself, it also felt that the world was spinning around so fast and i could actually feel the earth spinning. at one stage i was like time travelling and it everytime i would come back to the present time i would just trip so hard and it felt like i didnt know anybody there ! but they were my best mates haha, and also, when i would come back to reality after every trip, i would gag, until i finally threw up, almost passed out about 5 times, and slept for about 5 minutes. it was the scariest shit that has ever happened to me because it felt like i was going to be alone for ever and ahhhh time was going so slowly and it felt i was going to be stuck like that for ever, then i closed my eyes and must of fallen asleep for about 30 minutes, woken up and im all back to normal, what a night.

buddha webb

New Member
Fuckin loads,but sometimes there boring,like listening to people talking about bad dreams...Everyones trip means a lot,well sometimes,i like to trip lots...and biggest head fuck for me was being tiny like a action man doll size at a mini railway station.with a molecule atom symbol spinning around my mind,it was the size of Earth in a action man sized head, on firework night,id had about 25 times the stated dose..kept seeing large velvet looking letters coming from naked flames for 2 days....loves me a mushroom Tat,dated of the mentioned trip...1988 nov 5th....i tripped on xmass eve,eve,mushies,loads here,just a lot,well not too many,but Enough!!!!!!!