Techna's First Grow


Well-Known Member
just read the whole journal. solid growing. you and tech209 crack me up lol, yall seem like kats id kick it with. anyway, ill be keeping my eye on this one too. how the clones doing?


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys thans for stopping by, smell isnt too bad yet, you can only smell it when your in the room, hasnt gotten out yet, they are starting to get nice and thik, just added 8000 more lumens to the clones, i will be starting a new journal for them wehn they start vegging real well, the big ones are doing great and have about a month left, let me get some new flicks and ill post them up, o yea tech is a great guy were all awsome people!


Active Member
nice cabinet in the beginning. are you still using that cabinet or is it only for veg? and how did you make/where did you buy it?


Well-Known Member
nice cabinet in the beginning. are you still using that cabinet or is it only for veg? and how did you make/where did you buy it?

I used a cabinet from wal mart, it was about 29 bucks or so, i use it for my clones now. it worked well though, its about 3 feet tall 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep. i cut holes for vents and it worked great for vegging!


Well-Known Member
....your girls are coming along great!!:hump: I, too, just read this whole thread and you've done an excellent job all the way! It will be great to see the outcome.
I am suscribed to your new grow thread you have started for your clones and hoping you get your camera back soon so you can get up some pics:mrgreen:---I really hope you give us a run-down on your dwc set-up.
Out of curiousity, are you going to continue another grow in soil as well??<--I ask because I am wondering if your going to try FF's macro nutes....the Beastie and Cha-Ching double again what the Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom have done for you so far....

Anyways, Great Luck and have fun!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Those buds are really starting to pack on the weight(sweet!)!!! --------and I know what the dog's thinkin'................