Tangerine Nightmare


Well-Known Member
Learnt a hell of a lot so far with this first grow, really wish I did not opt for any auto flowers as they are taking as long, if not longer than a photoperiod would. Feel confident my second grow will be much better, will do a journal too perhaps


I would just write this one off. I am impressed you even got your TD seeds to sprout. Mine were 0-10. I did the Pineapple Chunk from Barneys and it was ok, nothing to great to keep around as far as keepers go. I lost a lot of respect for their stock and their service. I contacted Attitude and they told me I had to go through Barneys to get a refund, Barneys's never even replied back to my email. Every one I know had shit luck with these seeds.


Active Member
:confused:I gotta agree with popular opinion, Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream was a complete nightmare. First 10 pack i got 0% germination rate, i then convinced myself that my germination technique was flawed (even though i've had 100% germination on my 6 previous grows), so thought i'd try again and ended up with 1 out of 10 actually making it to 12/12 change over and taking at least 4 weeks to even show signs of flowers. The end result was a poor excuse for a plant and all i could think about afterwards was " shit i could've done two autoflower grows in the same time-frame, with much less aggro. " It can't just be down to luck with this strain cos i aint heard of any TD grows that have been worthwhile, i'd love someone to show me any different.